"I slept in front of the refrigerator. His voice buzzed like my socks off in the sunlight. In the refrigerator itthere is a country that is busy with a suit, tie, and take care of the dog food. Since he lied, I neverthink about it. "So the first four lines rhyme sound Afrizal Malna entitled" Friendship WithA Dog "which appeared in the same column with Suryadi essay titled" Cult Break, Makes' BrandTrade '"(Media, 02/02/03). If the prose poem-poem Afrizal was not shy to talk about "long-standing issue for the centernew ", the question of" whether literature should firmly carry out its social commitment or, on the contrary, remainsperched in ivory towers ", and has done his choice, it flatly refused essay Suryadi pick onebetween the two but it offers a new option that literature as a "trademark".If the poet "form" experimental Afrizal Malna still choose literature that also care about the "content", thenteacher / lecturer of a university in the Netherlands Suryadi even feel "exhausted by the debate between 'form' and 'content' worksliterature "and suggested that" increased prestige literature (Indonesia) in the eyes of readers "by doingpopularization of literature, not least, through the promotion of world tourism! How ironic, an experimental poet parexcellence is still considered "content" is important as an academic poetry, which should generateliterary criticism, instead advocating trading tips to sell works of literature, in order to raise the "prestige" of literature!From what I understand the essay Suryadi is a strong belief that Indonesia is not literature "prestigious ", if any so low, in the" eyes of readers ". I tried to find any excuse to Suryadimake that statement but I failed to find it in his essay. What I found instead "report" onwhat was said by two French authors, which is Suryadi "Recent literary theory" aboutsociological function of literature in a capitalist society such as France, the literature as a symbol of social status. Iread Sartre, then I have in a particular social class, so maybe the explanation gampangannya. Then inWhich relevance quote out-of-context from Pierre Bourdieu and so it is with the low prestige of literatureIndonesia in the eyes of his readers? Alternatively, literary readers are tepatkah picture intended by Bourdieuthe reality of the reader Indonesia? Perhaps an extreme question can be asked: is there a literary readerIndonesia, at least not in the sense intended Bourdieu above, ie readers who read literaturethat they are considered "highly cultured and not of groups of ordinary people"?Suryadi also stated that "analysis" of art that has succeeded in increasing prestige in the eyes of the audience at workIndonesia "has been felt in the field of art", but once again he "forgot" to prove that "it isfelt "it tells us that the essay readers! Did he mean the large number of collectors or extentunderstanding of the people of Indonesia for Indonesian art work?! Events "amnesia textual" dominant colorSuryadi essay represents defects very disturbing thought I was reading the essay andraises suspicion on his understanding of the subject he was talking about. Just look at the "wrongprint "that occurs in the name of" Macbeth "and" Anwar "which became" Machbeth "and" Khairil Anwar "it!What is common among the intelligentsia Indonesia in the event of their fascination euphoriatheir reading of the theories "current" from the world of Western thought is the context of the creation of textsthey read it. Unknowingly they take for granted certain that theories "great" they read it createdwith the reality of Indonesia as one of the factors of writing! How arifnya a Jean-François Lyotardcommemorate his readers that "the postmodern condition" is what he meant in his book ThePostmodern Condition is a social condition as can be found in countries advanced industrial-capitalist,France for example. Indonesia's why a reader should be wiser than Lyotard himself in "read "the book, is not it?Another statement made by Suryadi shows how far she is from the world of literature kangouwIndonesia, namely that for him "If an Ayu Utami or Dewi Lestari be phenomenal because the 'X factor', then itfine "! "X Factor" does that make both novelists above a "phenomenal"? Novel them asnovelkah that makes them "phenomenal"? Critics sastrakah? Pembacakah? Or something non-literary butgreatly affect the reception a literary work, such as political literature in the form of carnival praises highlytendentiously by the literary community "masses of media" in which the novelist is a member? It will not be there anyeffect occurs at the reception by readers roar exposure performed on a novelist in the mediawhile the critical analysis of his work is almost zero at all? If for Suryadi that a "teacher language andculture "was a kind of literary politics of the above is" legitimate "in making a work of literature or aletters to "phenomenal", "phenomenal" that kind of what this is? What is "phenomenal" 15-minute fame ala MTV! Or "phenomenal "Kahlil Gibran are unsurpassed in the history of the book in this country!If the assertion is true that literature Suryadi Indonesia was low "prestige" in the eyes of its readers, such asreader named Suryadi own, then is not "X factor okay" for him, namely literature community politicsare exclusive, it will only exacerbate the fall of the "prestige" of Indonesian literature? Freedom of the reader toassess the work that has been greatly influenced not read by, at least, a review of the work in the mediamass but by an advertising campaign in the form of praises to the skies that made the politicians literary communitywriters are concerned. Nur Zain Hae not own any literature recognizes the political reality in this communityhis essay "Old Issues For New Center" ("... not just mutual back scratching, as long as it happens inUtan Kayu Community. ") (Media, 19/01/03)!What is questioned by Oyos Saroso HN in his essay "When Being Nonsense Literature" (Media, 01/12/03), whichtriggers this polemic, is a question of "literary nonsense no". What color was the dominant literaryIndonesian contemporary literature that is just busy with "shape and tend to ignore the content and ideology",a color that identified the young writers Indonesia on a mass-mediated literary communityin Jakarta? Nur Zain could Hae mocks Oyos question with a pseudo-heroic attitude that "instead of continuing to sputter and jealousy, we should join forces to create a community and a 'laboratory' other,magazines or literary journals of different literary writing and designing for a more meaningful discussion "(Media,1/19/03), but the travesty that just shows how naive and simple he saw an issuetaken seriously by many young writers Indonesia. And how insensitive! If a man of lettersIndonesia is no longer allowed to issue a "protest" over what he felt was threatening conditioncontinuity of life as a writer by fellow writers, what's the difference with the regime weNew Order military dictatorship that blood thirsty!Political literature just as ruthless as the practical politics of the country's magical realism. Interest groups and the continuitygroups live happily ever after have preferred to sacrifice the interests and survivalother groups. Survival of the fittest is not just a practical political ideology in this country, but also embraced by politiciansIndonesian literature. Maybe the politicians literature is a little different from his friend in the world of practical politics, that theyunconsciously-are well aware that the "reasonableness" that they did turned out to be something very negative forother writers. It may be something that is "fair" that a novelist who recently published a novelwon the Prince Claus Award prize because they claim reform and thesuch that in the contemporary literature of Indonesia. Maybe something is "natural" too, that a "poet" whoCelebrity media represent "Indonesian poet" in an international poetry-reading program. Perhaps the "reasonable"also that a writer can be a writer who writes in the national language even though hedo not know the world of literature in national, he is the messiah who is not born from the womb traditionown national literature. It may also be "reasonable" for a short story writer who could publish a book of short storiesyear only two years since he began to publish short stories and claimed to be "monalisa" literary Indonesiaalso.But I agree with Oyos Saroso HN. I do not consider "fairness" above is "reasonable". I can notreceived the "X factor" as a "fine" in a work of literary reception as believed ateaching language and culture in the Netherlands I was there. And I prefer not to receive further accusations at randomNur Zain Hae which, to me, seem opportunistic.I agree with Oyos absence in the context of literary criticism in the literary tradition of Indonesia has led to politicalliterature into contemporary literary pope Indonesia. Because political ideology became hegemonic power of literatureis the ideology of literary formalism, then other ideologies would have been killed if not eliminated. Oyos alreadyshow definitively example of this formalism in poetry ideology Sitok Srengenge the only "catch rimaand building metaphor "alone. I'll add to the majority of stories that appear each Sunday inTempo magazine, which to me is the other extreme of the realist short story in Reuters. Hegemonic powersalso choices for what should be saved from other ideologies. Why claim poetsLekra in Dutch as "poet exiles" even though their work is no different than what is written by manypoet in Indonesia? Why do they have to be "saved" while in Indonesia? And from thedomestic poet who wrote about "the oppression and tyranny of power" in a language that did not "poor"and not "dry", why only Wiji chosen to be celebrated? Also do "research writing" and "diligentread "is the determinants for the birth of" masterpiece "?! Anthology of strange questions like these may notneed to be made if literary criticism comes as the traffic police of Indonesian literature.Ideological differences, of course, is something that is legitimate in human life, especially the lifepolitics. Ideological differences make life no longer haunted by the specter of the Orwellian Big Brother, whichlike angel elmaut constantly demanding their deaths were non-adherent. In fact, ideological differences shouldrequired in life! How boring if all Indonesian poetry is poetry of protest. HowIndonesia drab if all poems rhyme foreplay masturbatori is so-so only. So is the novel,as well as short stories. And essays. What we want is multiorgasme in multiklimaks longer thana force, a literary generation. Currently, the political literature of contemporary literature has made us into literatureimpotent, frigid literature, literature that sleep in the refrigerator. Hopefully preserved through literary criticism comesfrom there to warm the planet Pluto, menggairahkannya again.
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