About Stilistika

Umar Jonah (1989: xvii) says that the essence stilistika are using and its use in literature, but its appearance there in linguistics. According to him, stilistika used as a composite, the humanities, and linguistics. Furthermore, Umar Jonah (1989: xviii) proposes that science stilistika became a stand-alone, regardless of linguistic or sastra.Stilistika is the science of language style. According Sudjiman (1993:3) stilistika examines how writers manipulate or take advantage of the elements and principles contained in the language and what effects posed by users. Stilistika meneniliti characteristic use of language in literary discourse.

The language itself is (1) the use of language by a person of wealth to speak and write, (2) the use of a certain range to obtain certain effects, (3) the overall characteristics of a group of authors of literary language (Kridalaksana, 1982:49-50). Enkvist (in Jonah, 1989:4) says that there are six sense stylistic signature, namely (1) wrapper that wraps the core ideas that have been there before, (2) the choice between the various statements that may be, (3) a set of personal characteristics, ( 4) deviation of norms or rules, (5) a set of collective characteristics, and (6) the relationship antarsatuan language stated in the text wider than the sentence.

To review the literature from the point stilistika, there are two possibilities in him. First, the study stilistika done by analyzing the linguistic system and continued with literary interpretation features, seen from an aesthetic purpose as a literary work full of meaning. Second, the study was conducted by observing stilistika variations and distortions against Pemakian normal language and find aesthetic purposes (Wellek and Warren, 1990:226). Of the two approaches can be seen the difference lies footing. However, both approaches are not intrinsically contradictory.

Stilistika study is a form of assessment that uses an objective approach. Expressed in terms of goals such as study and explanation engendered, stilistika study is a study that focuses on the form of the use of the sign system in literature obtained by rational-empirical reliable. Empirical Basis refers to conformity with the workings of the conceptual basis used in relation to the characteristics of the targeted study the facts.

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