The meaning Of Semiotics

Semiotics is the study of a sign. In science communication "sign" is an interaction meaning is conveyed to others through signs. In communicating not only with spoken language only, but with the sign can also communicate. Presence or absence of events, structures found role in something, a habit that can be called a sign of all. A flag, a hand gesture, a word, a silence, nervous movements, events blush, gray hair, eye glances and many others, all of it is considered a sign (Zoezt, 1993:18).In this case, the sign is something that is made up of something else or adding a different dimension to things, to wear anything that could be used to define and interpret something other things. We can also understanding that the sign is something that is interconnected between the mark with its functions, the relationship with the other signs, the delivery process and acceptance of these signs and others.From some semiotic figures, there are two very well-known, that is a linguist who came from Switzerland named Ferdinand Saussure (1857-1913) and an American philosopher named Charles S.Peirce (1839-1914). Pierce calls the semiotic analysis of the system model and the term has become the dominant term used for the science of signs, but both focus on the sign. In addition, Peirce also called mark as something to mean something else overwhelmed therein.If elaborated more specifically, Peirce opinion about science can be understood through a semiotic object therein presented through triadic icons, indices, and symbols. 

An analysis of the essence of the signs point to the evidence that each sign is determined by the object. Objects in the mark can be a word, symbol, emblem, icon, and so forth. Peirce (via Berger: 17) argues that: First, when I mentioned the sign as an icon, then the sign will follow the nature of the object. Secondly, when I mentioned the sign as an index, the reality and existence of the sign related with individual objects. Third, when I call my sign as a symbol, it is interpreted less as an object denotative because the habit.In this context, the icon is a sign that the relationship between the signifier and the sign are simultaneously natural form or in other words, the icon is the relationship between the sign and the object or reference that is similar. An index is a sign which indicates the existence of a natural relationship between signs and markers that are causal or causal relationship, or a sign that directly refers to the fact. While the symbol is a sign that indicates natural relationships between markers with the signs. Thus, the relationship in the context of a relationship that is sign arbitrary and relationships based on conventions (treaties) community (Alex Sobur. 2005).A mark can not be separated from how we understand and interpret the signs. According to Pierce, the meaning of the sign is actually presented something. In this sentence, the mark must be interpreted as signs always refer to something, so that from the sign original will develop new meanings. Signs are always tied to the culture system, signs are conventional, understood according to the agreement, there was no sign of a context-free. In addition, the sign is also plural, signs serve only in relation with another sign. For example, a red mark in traffic lights, in addition expressed through red, also placed in the highest position. Two signs displayed togetherness was stated as denotatum and interpretant Peirce. If in visualizing into triangular chart, Peirce's semiotic theory consists of three main elements, namely sign (sign), object (object), and interpretant. To understand the theory of Peirce triangle, look at the following scheme. 

The sign is something physical form that can be captured by the human senses and is something that refers to (represent) something other than the sign itself. Signs according to Peirce consists of symbols (signs are emerging of a deal), Ikon (a sign that emerge from the physical representation) and index (a sign that arises from causality). While this sign is called the reference object. Object or reference mark is the social context that the reference of a sign or something that marks referenced.
Interpretant or users sign was the concept of thinking of people who use sign and bring it down to a particular meaning or meanings exist in someone's mind about the objects referenced a tanda.Hal the most important in the process of semiosis is how meaning emerges from a mark when the mark is used by people when communicating.
Example: When a girl wearing a mini skirt, the girl was mengomunikasi about him to others who may interpret it as a symbol of sexiness. Similarly, when Nadia Saphira Strowberi Brown appeared in films with acting and a compelling physical appearance, the audience could interpret it as a beautiful young woman icon and exciting.

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