Ferguson (1966) and Stewart (1968) states that the characteristics of the language that allows the general public accept language planning are as follows.
- The language is the language of indigenous (native) or the native language of the country.
- Language was never a lingua franca in the country and among neighbors.
- Language has the potential (creative and flexible) for the development of education, religion, literature, science and technology (science and technology), and the mass media.
- The language has a powerful and glorious culture.
- History of the language steadily and valid.
- The language has a lot of material documentation for review.
- The language experts have traditional and modern.
- The language has a policy (polecy) planning conducted by individuals or groups who love language.
- Language was honored by the wearer and the user community groups.
- Languages that have nationality or national characteristics.
- The language has the appeal that allows the wearer obedient and loyal to him.
- The language is easy to cultivate unity of the nation.
Ferdinand de Saussure (1922) a prominent French found language planning needs to be done gradually and continuously for the following things.a. Changing the culture of a society whose language mengkibatkan also evolve and change.b. Language needs to be designed to provide a space of creativity and individual creativity.c. Language planning can help a nation's leadership style.d. Government implementing language planning means maintaining the soul of his people.e. Planned development of the language can be used as the national language and the official language.f. Language planning can ward off negative influence on language.g. Planned language (development) can be used as a propaganda tool of the state.h. Trrencana language (development) can foster the sentiment or ideology of the nation.i. Premeditated language (development) to accommodate new ideas and concepts that appear in line with the development of language.
Haugen, E.. 1966. Language Conflict and Language Planning: The Case of Modern Norwegian. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Haugen, E.. 1969. “Language Planning, Theory and Practice.” Dalam A. Graur (ed.). Actes due Xe Congres International des Linguistic Bucharest. Bucharest: Editions de L’Academic de La Republique de Roumanic, 701 – 711.
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