The color purple is synonymous with elegance and beautiful impression . Along with the times , the color purple is not just an option in fashion trends , but also color the world of interior design .Purple color selection for home interiors can be applied to any part depends on your taste and how to combine them with other neutral colors . One part is the most appropriate to use the color purple in the house is the bedroom .
According to a survey conducted by retailer Littlewoods in the UK , based on the answers of 2,000 adults surveyed , on average chose the color purple for ' turn on ' the atmosphere in the room . And it is considered fit for habitation homes of young brides or anyone who is tired of the atmosphere inside the house as if ' no life ' .Based on the survey , using a bed or other furniture in the room purple , got 3.49 points per week in intimate relationships . that we can examine the color purple does have its own meaning if it is linked in the relationship , of course, has a value of exoticism and romanticism in sex with a partner .
According to a survey conducted by retailer Littlewoods in the UK , based on the answers of 2,000 adults surveyed , on average chose the color purple for ' turn on ' the atmosphere in the room . And it is considered fit for habitation homes of young brides or anyone who is tired of the atmosphere inside the house as if ' no life ' .Based on the survey , using a bed or other furniture in the room purple , got 3.49 points per week in intimate relationships . that we can examine the color purple does have its own meaning if it is linked in the relationship , of course, has a value of exoticism and romanticism in sex with a partner .

" For years I have told the owner of the house in the UK , bedroom beige or purple is very fitting to excite couples living in the household , " said the Littlewoods home design expert , Llewelyn - Bowen , as quoted by the Daily MailIn addition , fabric sheets or blankets on the bed , such as silk or duvets can also affect the atmosphere and warmth in the bedroom . Meanwhile, the so-called gray color as the color of romance with the lowest points , based on the Littlewoods survey .so for those of you who are building or have built a home , certainly not one instead if adding color purple in your room with your partner . you will try whether it adds to the excitement ? ?Congratulations creative .
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