Language as Semiotic Systems

Language in use is bidimensional. Called so, because of the presence of meaning in addition is determined by the presence and the relationship between linguistic symbol itusendiri, also determined by the actors and the wider social and situational background. Related to the function held, the language has an external function also internal functions. Therefore, in addition can be used to convey information and to create communication, as well as to process information and dialogue between individuals of eachThe study of language as a code to use to focus on (1) the characteristics of the relationship between shape, symbol or word to one another, (2) the relationship between linguistic forms with the outside world that are acunya, (3) the relationship between the code of the wearer. The study of sign systems in relation to the third item in the form of sign language and other signs the form used by humans in communication within the scope of semiotics (Aminuddin, 1988:37). In line with the three-center study in the use of language, the language of the semiotic system of divided in three components of the system. The three components are: (1) syntactic, ie components rkaitan be a symbol or sign and its shape relationships, (2) semantics, which is an element that has to do with the problem of the relationship between the symbol of the outside world to which it refers, (3) pragmatics, the elements or areas of study related to the relationship between users with the emblem in usage. From the point of use, it has been known that human communication tool to distinguish between the media in the form of language or media with media non-verbal or nonverbal language. While the media's language, in terms of appearances or chanel tools also distinguished between verbal media with media write.In the oral medium, for example, form sentences and orders or questions can easily be distinguished through the use of sound or appearance kinesik suprasegmental, ie, the motion of the body menuansakan particular meaning. Rule phrasing always backed tendesi certain semantically. In other words, the system of grammatical rules structuring symbol always associated with the strata of meaning in a language. On the other hand the meaning of a label that refers to a particular reality also has its own system of relations (Aminuddin, 1988:38). Elements of the pragmatic relationship between the mark with users (user or interpreter), being part of a semiotic system sehi guns are also one of the branches of studies due to the presence of mark can not be removed from the wearer. Even more broadly where a sign can be understood only by returning the sign into the wearer, to the socio-cultural context owned. This is in accordance with the statement that language is a mirror of the personality and culture of the nation. In connection with that Abram's (1981: 171) revealed that the focus of semiotic interest is on the underlying system of language, not on the parole.
BibliographyAbrams, MH, A Glosary of Literary Term (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Wiston, 1981)Aminuddin, Semantics: Introduction to the Study of Meaning (New York: New Light, 1988)Budiman, Manneke, "Indonesia: Signs War," in Indonesia: Signs Cracks (New York:Wedatama Widya Literature, 2002)de De de Saussure, F., Course in General Linguistics, (Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press,1988)

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