If we trace the semiotic books available, most of the states that the science of semiotics begins with the character linguistics of Ferdinand de de Saussure (1857-1913). de Saussure not only known as the father of linguistics but also widely referred to as the semiotic character in his Course in General Linguistics (1916). In addition there is an important figure in semiotics, Charles Sanders Peirce (1839 - 1914) an American philosopher, Charles Williams Morris (1901 - 1979) who developed behaviourist Semiotics. Then who developed the modern semiotic theories is Roland Barthes (1915 - 1980), Algirdas Greimas (1917 - 1992), Yuri Lotman (1922 - 1993), Christian Metz (193 - 1993), Umberco Eco (1932), and Julia Kristeva (1941). Linguists other than de Saussure Semiotics framework that works is Louis Hjelmslev (1899 - 1966) and Roman Jakobson (1896-1982). In anthropology there is Claude Levi Strauss (1980) and Jacues Lacan (1901-1981) within psychoanalysis. Structuralism is a method that has been referred to by many semioticians, it is based on the model of de Saussure's structural linguistics. Structuralists tried to describe the system as a sign languages, Strauss with mith, Kinship and totemism, Lacan with unconcious, Barthes and Greimas the grammar of narrative. They work for the structure (deep structure) of the form the outer structure (surface structure) a phenomenon.
Contemporary social semiotics has moved beyond structural concern is to analyze the internal relations of the parts with a self contained system, and try to develop the use of signs in specific social situations. Seeing the above facts it can be said that the discussion of structuralism in the context of the development of cultural studies should be done in the context of its development to the semiotics that seemed born afterwards. Actually, the seed had been born together in lectures Ferdinad de Saussure which also gave birth to structuralism and semiotics (the de Saussure called semiology is the science of signs of life in the community) (Hoed, 2002:1). So there is no doubt that the birth of semiotic especially in Europe can not be separated from the shadow of structuralism that preceded the development of science culture. The development of structuralist semiotics can be divided into two: the nature proceed so characteristic strukturalismenya still very visible (continuity) and the nature begin to grow out of structuralism to further highlight the culture as a system of signs (evolution).
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