Centini Java is a book written with the letter in the form of Java and modified the song or poem contains all sorts of knowledge possessed by the people of Java at the time: The issue of weapons of war or dagger, the problem of religious philosophy that Centini considered as encyclopedias and information sources it is important to explore ideas Jawa.memiliki 12 volumes to accommodate script consisting of 722 information from Bubuka pupuh.Menurut, Centini it began work on Saturday 6 th Pahing forced suro years sapda ji shrine which coincided with the year 1742 or the year AD Java 1814 . said that the authors take as many as 16 years and completed dugubah in 1830, long before the resident kedu Hartmann started its activities in Borobudur. material collected in the manuscript Centini that existed before Borobudur restored. therefore information about the statue in the main stupa Borobudur temple we can make evidence.Interesting description listed in stanza 105 on pages 59-60 Volume II in the temple to the 9-10 Centini yangt Latin reads:verse 8 "Umiyat confinement interrupted, tinarancang alus remit, nglebete kurungansela, content rece satunggil gang, nanging panggarapneki, kinten-kinten dereng completed, saranduning sarira, katha dereng cinawi kang, kang Samya Myat langkung Eram ing werdayaBait 9 "Mas Cobolang angandiko, the durunane iki, arco grand tour neng peak, jigsaw lengkep ing tan colored, yen pancen durung dadi, iku really mokalipun, aged pancen jinarag, embuh karepe kang kardi, mara padha udakarenen Driya ing."

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