Literature is one aspect of human life. Culture arises with masnusia as owner. Similarly, literature, she was raised along with the culture. This is because literature is always associated with the problems that exist in society.
Literature that can be read and enjoyed must have a good expression of the structure, diction, kemenarikan stories and links with the community. Whenever literature created by writers usually reflects the properties of their respective authors. At a basic principle that distinguishes between literary works with each other is the nature of the creator itself. A good poet will usually present itself that the nature of the author or the lifting of events that often occur in the community.
Through the work of literature, a writer also wants to communicate ideas, experiences and mental attitude to others in an honest, even more broadly he wants to reveal the realities of life. After the ideas were read and enjoyed, this is going dialogue between the reader and the author's own.
Literary influence society and social change by educating the public ideals sensitivity in thinking about life, good and bad, right wrong. As a connoisseur of literature should provide an honest assessment of the literature being read or comprehended. Given the different readers honesty honesty which the author himself with honesty. Due to that the author could menginstropeksi in subsequent literature.
Can not be separated from it, a Novel One orphanage work and Salah Abdul Muis Nur Sutan Iskandar Choose a masterpiece created by the realities that exist in society. Both the novel category of novels which adheres Flow Romanticism. According to him Prof.Dr. Suminto A.Sayuti bahwasannya Romanticism flow is the flow of art-literature that promotes feelings. In explaining that the flow of romance, the author tried to idealize life and the human experience with emphasis on a better, more comfortable, more beautiful and enjoyable.
Flow romance usually look the future more beautiful than the present. The view is what ultimately gave birth to the idea that the purpose of art is not to solve complex problems, but here aims to entertain, invite the reader to laugh, Manangis, sad, excited that their readers as if that day will come tomorrow will be better .
Therefore, I describe a novel analysis of the intrinsic element of the novel is read. Both novels are equally embraced romanticism flow, where both the theme of the story that promotes feelings of love. The author tried to idealize life and the human experience with emphasis on better things. (Prof.Dr.Suminto A.Sayuti) On the other hand, the title of a Novel One Select One Care and they both relate to the content cerita.kenapa title?
Salah Pilih Novela. Elements of the intrinsic1. Themes. This novel tells the story of one mistake in choosing his heart desires.2. People and CharacterAsnah: fair, good, gorgeousProven in the novel.Hair Asnah groped by old man and a handsome face again was being looked radiant with joy. Really beautiful girl and fertile healthy body! His heart is pure and his mind sharp looming shadows on the eyes, which are round as a star. (Cited page 8 par 2)
Asri: Good heart, compassionate
Proven in the novel,"How Asnah," he said firmly and holding her child's hand. Fortunately, when he was about to kiss the angel, Mrs. Mariah said smile, was Asnah took a step back and shamefaced, "Asri, as no one sekasih you to your brother. (Cited it 88 par 2)
Saniah: Vindictive and jealous
Rangkayo Salaeah: detractors, hardEvident from the monologue Asnah when mourn what has been done Saniah."Fantastic", he says, "the heart Rangkayo Salaeah provide disaster in front of me in front of people! Apparently that's the view of the noble hound like me. Is her fault, nor-play Saniah sharp eyes looked at me! Oh, what will become of me if I mixed it with him later. (Quoted case 89-90)3. Flow. The flow used in the novel One Select Wearing plot or plots are developed. as the story moves through a series of events beginning figures to climax and ends with the completion of the marriage anatara Asnah and Asri.4. Viewpoint. In this case using a Novel One Select willingness-omniscient point of view. Because given that the author is only an observer who knows. The following viewpoint was worn by the author in the first part of the novel.Briefly it also was seen a young girl up the stairs. His face was full of round reddish color, because it goes a long way. Her eyes were shining merrily beneath thick eyebrows black. Her long hair hung interwoven and backward, to the waist, protruding ends were tied with taffeta silk scarf underneath., Which covers the head and both ears. Next to the red end of the scarf and navy blue silk embroidered edges it, dangling at his side. Color scarf to mukany looming, so the more radiant appearance. (Cited in page 3 par 4)However, there are parts in the novel One Visit by the author with recognition viewpoint-participation. It is as if the author is not the narrator again, but the story presented orally figures. I, the Asnah."I went up to the house, when people are beginning to lose all sense. Midwives, - not necessarily to be made again. Its not worth dirabanya, already dirabanya; were not worth diurutnya, already diurutnya, so he was sick jadih exhausted. Upik elder relatives wept and Mr Angry Black Sutan, brother. 've Got crabs, seizures, stiff and trembling body. I immediately ran to his house, I told him all that incident and I asked him to come to the house so the hospital together with me. He went away .... By God's providence, new dirabanya Upik kak black hair and dititikannya sort of drug into his mouth .. Then came the placenta that. (Quoted case 10-11)5. Background. Author in taking the background setting in Minangkabau, West Sumatra, namely in Maninjau, Sungai Batang, Bayur, and high hill, partly on the island of Java.6. Style of Writing. The author is very good at the style of writing, most of the classic Malay style a little difficult to understand, the authors also menyisipi with rhyme-rhyme.Such as:
Its red just saga
That Kurik just Kundi
Its red just bases,
The only good debt
(Quoted case 67)There was also embarrassed when Asnah when love begins to grow to Asri,
Where pigeon flying,
From Benta down to rice,
Where love imagined,
From the eye down to the heart
(Quoted case 120)He Nur Sutan Iskandar very good at communicating ideas to the reader through the novel One Vote. Author in portraying the characters in the novel to use dramatic methods. Because the figures revealed to us like drama. Author allowing characters to express themselves through actions, words and deeds as well as dialogue between characters. (Prof. Dr. Suminto A. Sayuti: 2009). Here's an example:
The old man bertany, "O Asnah, where your brother, where is he?"
"There in the garden, mother, and his sister saniah."
"Hemm, alone!, They were soon well acquainted."
"How is your mind-in-law about it?"
"My mind's mother?, Very well"
"Are you willing to her?""Of course! And I pray to god, I hope kanda Asri happy with him later, "(quoted case 110)Furthermore, with regard to the novel one orphanage, although based on the romance novel as the previous analysis that prioritizes novel feeling. Everything is displayed with the ideal conditions to build a romantic atmosphere in the reader.
Salah Asuhan Novel
a. Elements of the intrinsic1. Themes. Author theme deliberately customs, which are not allowed any mixing of the east (hanafi) and the west (Corrie)2. Character and temperament.Hanafi: Stubborn, jealous, strong, very loving corrie"Corrie, from the little we've been hanging out, love arising from a similar association was indeed received by the course and no longer wishes to be appropriate. I was not captured in exquisite parasmu, but asyiklah I love you, because-you! "(Quoted case 132 par 2)Actually hanafi very stubborn, and if he wishes denied or `disolang`, sometimes similar childhood temperament who likes rolling around on the ground, because he pleaded not apply.If the breasts are too crowded Hanafi wife is looking similar temperament, then he is angry with the provisions of what she said. Corrie then raised his head. Against a moment on her husband. (Quoted case 147 par 7)Looking Putung cigarettes, but belongs to Tante Lien, angry Hanafi."Not yet mevrou!, Is not time you got a pill rather than tool located at the top table. I want to capture my heart happy baharulah hand, ahh .. I truly unfortunate dating oversleep! "(quoted case 162 par 7).Corrie: humble, willing to accept the love Hanafi, eitherFor example:"Marriage is bound by love alone, easy to break, Han! Because love should not be discharged. Know that you aspire started going to ask me to be your wife, then the first kurasai over you is pity. Infinite pity. (Quoted case 139 par 5)Rapiah: unshakable faith, steadfast heart, surrenderSample quote:"This is the eighth time I fasted Thursday circumcision, mother, and during the same Syafei father left us. (Quoted case 112)"Mother" Rapiah said after reading the letter from the Hanafi. "If the mother truly wanted to take me a replacement Hanafi, take me where the will of the mother. Just want to miss bilaibu betawi, antarkanlah us to Bonjol. "(Quoted case 126 par 1)Mother Hanafi: patient, willing her to break"You yourself have seen how temperament Hanafi to the mother. Serambut was no binding ikhtiarnya for me so closely to him. Rapiah! With something like this, Hanafi as if he cut ties with the friendship between her mother. Especially if he has become the Dutch, he had come out of the us, physically and mentally. You lost her husband, mother lost a child, would you replace the Hanafi ...."What parents need is full-blooded poor village dating to Batavia. Interlocking lowering lowered the dignity and rank it. "(Quoted case 124-125)3. Flow.Based on the stages of the story came from one farm family hanafi in Dutch until the climax corrie death due to cholera and closed with a Hanafi death due despair left corrie, the bias be concluded that the wear grooves Novel One Care Forward / progressive.4. Background.A Novel atmosphere will not wake up when there is no background. Here is the background of the novel One Care. Among others:· Field tennis."The place to play tennis, which is protected by the trees surrounding kelepa, still silence" (quoted p.1, para 1)· Minangkabau"Surely she villagers, and forever live in the village, but sebabkasihan to children, ditinggalkannyalah gedang home in Koto Anau, and he lived together with Hanafi bersma Solok." (Quoted page 23, par 3)"Nor he so reluctant to pay for the rental charge Solok it is desired by the child." (Quoted page 23, par4)· Betawi"From small Hanafi was educated in Betawi" (quoted p.23, par 1)"Now we take the Gunung Sari, Red Bridge Jakarta, Corrie!" (Quoted case 103, Par 2)· Semarang"The next day Hanafi was also dating a ride home, and instead made him sad, so to hear that Corrie had already left. Immediately he said, about to indulge in Semarang. "(Quoted case 186, par 8)· Surabaya"In Surabaya they were staying overnight at a small pension, said that the name of Mr. and Ms. Han." (Quoted case 144, par 1)5. Style of Writing.Because this novel tells the story of forbidden love between the east and west (the Netherlands), many emerging style of writing of this novel when viewed in terms of the language is Malay and there are also inserted the Dutch language. In writing there is a rhyme and a little proverb. The language novel One orphanage is quite difficult to decipher. Because this novel is a long novel, and there is also a Dutch dilamnya. In this novel there: Such sentences:· "You ask verlof week ...." (quoted case 134)· "Not yet mevrou! ..." (Quoted case 162)Pantun Rapiah fondle her while waiting for her father came home crying.Do not sugar spinach as well,Belinggang goulash in pot,Do not cry child,Mr. wander will not be long
Not that exquisite butts,
Medang in ravine broken in
Instead Putung winsome
Ask twist awry (quoted case 115)
· Proverb."At this time, face clear, smooth forehead, may mom said that my intentions, so as not to be a thorn in the flesh" (cited in page 25, par 3)· Majas Comparison"Indeed Nor lied when he told a headache, because his head like a hammered Indeed" (quoted case 47 par 2)Once described by intrinsic element, Abdul Muis He also figures in describing the method mix. As described earlier bahwasannya of the author confuses discursive and dramatic method.
Novel methods of discursive One upbringing. As in the following quote:So aunt Lien with the slop next chef Mina chasing around the garden in the back, until a dog person next to that place is limited only by the rare bamboo fence of the yard Corrie, also helped barking stormed stormed the fence to get out. Mina ran into the kitchen and locked the door from the inside .. (quoted case 154 par 2)
Dramatic Method"Betel, Auntie??! berrr! Disallow hard, hoor. ""Lu nyang not ade delicious cigarette, girl,""O, cigarettes should not spend a single dos aunt. It is certainly good, let's go try it! "Then went into the deep, and brought a box of cigarettes, which is almost full contents. Place ashes were carried as well."Clay aunt, also head of gold, a three and a half cents. My husband used to drink it if it had been eating it or if we're comedy ".... (Quoted case 155 par 3)
Novel above imply association between title with the story. Proven in the climax of the novel concerns Asri miscast as one of the major figures in choosing a life partner, but in the end Asri Asnah marry.
It is the same as the novel One Care. The title is no relevance to the content in which the result of One Foster carried the mother Hanafi Hanafi Hanafi cause an impact to the lives of himself and his mother to pick her death. So from there we can take that good title is the title of a bias represent the content of the story.
READING LISTIskandar, Nur Sutan. , 2006. One of Select. Ed to 21. Hall Book. JakartaMuis, Abdul.1983. One Asuhan.cet to 14.Balai Pustaka.JakartaA.Sayuti, Suminto.2009.Cerita Rekaan.Universitas Terbuka.Jakarta
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