Language plays an important role in our lives, the language has influences outstanding, and included what distinguishes humans from animals. Language struktrural theory is defined as a system of signs abitrer conventional. Languages ​​based on system characteristics is a systematic and systemic. Language is systemic because it follows the provisions or rules of order, the language is systemic because the language itself is a system or subsystems. Language in general serves as a communication tool, as well as the general function of language, the Indonesian language also serves as an official communication tool and a means of unifying the nation amid the many languages ​​that comes with the speakers in different regions of origin. Indonesian status as the lingua franca of the language raised by the speakers of a different culture to be shared as a means of communication. Speakers of different cultures allows also the emergence of many indigenous languages ​​as a means of communication between people, cultural diversity or pluralism kebuadayaan to FINALLY be one of the factors affecting eksitensi Indonesian language as a lingua franca in the middle of many local languages ​​that appear in Indonesia.Bahasa change during the course of time, for example if the language spoken in large areas, or because of displacement, in some isolated areas that would be different then the language changes in different places, and the result is a group of related language. The difference in language is a byproduct of certain social conditions. Just as when we are or even move and settle in a new area, we are able to quickly learn and adapt traditional / established acts such as how the language used in the area.

Chapter 1Preliminary


               Indonesian language is the language of unity that has emerged and established the Youth Pledge in 1928 as the national language even listed in the 1945 Constitution. Indonesian is used as the official language of communication in all the activities that take place in Indonesia. Indonesian is also designated as a lingua franca in the number of Indonesian culture which unites all the tribes and languages ​​in the territory of Indonesia. The role of the Indonesian language as unity is inseparable from the cultural factor. Residents who use different languages ​​or Dilek simultaneously, requiring the interface that allows all people to get along and work together, that's where the role of the Indonesian underway.                 Indonesian existence amid the many cultures that demand upload their work and deliver the language by using the language of the culture of origin, which is intended to make kebuyaan such a regional identity in question is a problem that is interesting enough to discuss. It has become a serious problem nowadays, because of the nature of regionalism owned is still very strong and embedded in Indonesian society. Kentalnya sense of regionalism which is owned by the people of Indonesia affects the existence of the Indonesian language as a lingua franca and the language of unity that brings together all the tribes.                  Indonesia's diversity, we can still feel to this day, we still can find a lot of cultural events performed by the community, such as wedding ceremonies upacar still uphold customs and culture of conducting the marriage, besides traditional ceremonies conducted to deny reinforcements, gratitude can still be encountered in every area. The problem that arises then is the role of the Indonesian language in the show is still a major role in terms of whether any conduct ceremonies that the language is Indonesian language properly or even use and uphold the language and the native vernacular, and how to position lingua franca in the culture.Based on this background that this paper will try to discuss about Indonesian as a Lingua franca in the midst of cultural pluralism that exist in Indonesia.Chapter II Discussion 

A. Language     
         Language is a universal communication tool used by every human being. Language struktrural theory is defined as a system of signs abitrer conventional (Soeparno, basics of linguistics, 2002). Language function other than as a means of communication as well as a means of unifying a nation, in this case the Indonesian language. Indonesian language is the official national language and is used in all activities related to the language. Indonesian alone amidst growing number of emerging regional languages, Indonesian therefore referred to as a lingua franca. Known as the lingua franca Indonesian raised by speakers of different cultures to be used together as a communication tool.Position of the Indonesian language as the country was also stated in the 1945 Constitution Article 36, besides Indonesian nowadays also a lingua franca of the archipelago is not only but also include Southeast Asia, as already stated in the Indonesian II Decree Congress in Medan. In addition, Indonesian also become one of the tools to deploy and introduces the cultures of Indonesia in the eyes of the world, through the Indonesian cultures can also be recognized by the people of Indonesia itself.B. Culture    
            Culture according to Big Indonesian Dictionary is the result of the activities and the creation of mind (intellect) as human beliefs, arts, and customs) and Indonesia is a country rich in culture, ranging from beliefs, arts and customs. In this modern era of Indonesian culture is still very strong and firmly attached within Indonesian society, society still upholds the culture and customs 

            Culture is the result of human cultivation in society. Kebududayaan not acquired genetic, but acquired by the position of man as a social being

.C. Indonesian language as the lingua franca 
               Indonesian as the language of the country declared its position on August 18, 1945 because at the time the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia enacted a basic law of the Republic of Indonesia. Indonesian second congressional decision in 1945 in Medan, said that the Indonesian language derived from the Malay language. Indonesian grown and developed from the Malay language since ancient times used as a communication language or lingua franca not only in the archipelago but also almost all over Southeast Asia, until now, even the position of the Indonesian language as the lingua franca remains embedded in the Indonesian language. 
D. The relationship of language and culture      
          In view Fishman (in the language crystals, 1995) language is a recorder of paternity, pengutara patrimoni, and carrier phenomenology. The importance of language reinforced by the fact that the language is also used to achieve other experiences. Language became necessary when people talk about the various forms of culture, activities, and problems related to ethnicity.

              The relationship of language and culture is language as a manifestation of cultural identity is part easily influenced and changed. A person often do not think that language is the most important part of identity, especially when certain minority groups mingle with the public. Language can maintain identity characteristics, aspects that can be sustained it will not reduce his work in the development of culture and did not prevent survive in society. The idea of ​​language and culture is also described by the Sapir-Whorf (in the language crystals, 1995) language support which not only serves as a means to report penglaman, but (and more importantly) also serves as a means of shaping experience for speakers.

              Can be concluded from the opinion both of the language and the culture, language plays an important role and extensive experience in the totality of culture, language is not just a means of communication but it is what determines perceptions of speakers.

E. Indonesian language and culture of Indonesia.           

              Indonesian culture is very diverse, numerous cultures in Indonesia are often found and still do the traditional ceremonies. Ceremonies were many kinds, ranging from ceremonies for weddings, ceremonies to express gratitude, to deny reinforcements ceremonies. In each ceremony, the language is always up and used as a primary means of identity and in every process. The next permaslahan is whether the language used in every ceremony and put it to use Indonesian language properly or because the element of regionalism still rife owned the local language or the native language is still preferred to use. This is where the existence of Indonesian as a lingua franca in the middle of cultural pluralism in Indonesia is at stake. 
              We need to look back that every culture known and certainly mengingkan identity remains strong, it means that every culture from different regions trying to maintain the special characteristics of their culture is no exception language diguanakan typed a local cultural events take place. In another sense the use of the mother tongue or regional language by the local languages ​​will definitely be used and maintained. Indonesian position even with such a condition can not replace the role of the local language. 
             There's a reason why it appears the case, which is to maintain the sanctity and the nature of the culture. this sounds pretty good, but it raises a substantial question, how the role of the Indonesian language as universal unity and communication in Indonesia can run smoothly while each kebuadayaan almost all regions in Indonesia have it and each culture is also wanted culture is still alive and is not affected and undermined by anything, keep and use as a vernacular language to fill rituals or ceremonies of culture, because in addition to the language of culture is also a reflection of Indonesia in the eyes of the world.
           For example, traditional wedding rites. The wedding ceremony is one of the means used to preserve the culture from the point of customs. Usually the wedding ceremony the ritual language of instruction in all areas where it is the language of origin of the ceremony. everything about the ceremony and explained the spoken vernacular, this means that in every culture have the languages ​​of their respective regions, to maintain authenticity and sanctity of the ceremony is the vernacular used is not converted translated into the Indonesian language is good and true. For this reason the position of the Indonesian language as a lingua franca used kuarng amid cultural pluralism, the language that embraces the culture prefers language or regional dialect became the language of instruction culture.

Chapter IIICover

 ConclusionIndonesian whatever the case may still be an official national language and a language of unity as well as a lingua franca. Cultural diversity found in Indonesia is a nation of wealth that needs to be preserved. Between language and culture itself has a pretty close relationship that language as one manifestation of identity and language, and played an important role in the broad totality of culture, language is not just a means of communication but it is a determinant of perception speakers.Cultural diversity that gives rise to a lot of the language will not hinder national unification. There will be work for the task and for unity between language and vernacular cultures held particular ethnic group. Which in the end does not change the status of cultural pluralism Indonesian language as a lingua franca.


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