Function of Language

Understanding the Language 

According Gorys Keraf (1997: 1), language is a means of communication between members of the public in the form of a symbol of the sound produced by the instrument man said. Perhaps there is an objection by saying that the language is not the only tool for communicating. They showed that two persons or parties communicating by means of specific ways that have been agreed. The paintings, smoke, sound of drum or casks and so on. But they should also recognize that when compared with the language, all communication devices before contains many weak aspects.

  Language provides the possibility of a much more extensive and complex than can be obtained by using the media earlier. Language should be a sound produced by the instrument man said. Not that any sound. And the sound itself should be a symbol or a symbol. on the other hand, Language is a communication system that uses symbols vocal (speech sound) that is arbitrary, which can be enhanced by physical movements of the real. He is a symbol for a series of sound produced by the instrument said people should be given a specific meaning as well. The symbol is a sign that given a particular meaning, which refers to something that can be absorbed by the five senses.

Means the language includes two fields, namely vocals produced by said instrument man, and the meaning or significance of the relation between vowel sequence with the goods or thing it represents, it is. The sound was also the vibrations that stimulate our audience tools (= being absorbed by our senses, while the meaning of the contents contained in the stream of sound that causes a reaction or response from others).

Meaning contained in a series of sound arbitrary or arbitrary. Arbitrary or arbitrary means there is a necessity that a particular sound sequence must contain a specific meaning as well. Is an animal with specific characteristics is called a dog, dog, hund, chien or canis that depend on the agreement that the language of community members each.

of course you definitely ask language really affect human behavior?

According Sabriani (1963), questioned whether the language that affect human behavior or not? Actually there are other variables that are variable between language and behavior. Variables are variables reality. If this is true, then it opened up an opportunity that is not necessarily the language that influence human behavior, be it reality or both.

The presence of reality and its relationship with other variables, ie, language and behavior, need to be verified. In addition, it should also be observed that the term implies behavior of speakers. The term behavior refers to the behavior of speakers of the language, which in terms of communication include the listener, reader, speaker, and author.

Language and Reality
Fodor (1974) says that language is a system of symbols and signs. The meaning of a symbol system is a symbol of the relationship with the conventional meaning. While the system is a sign that the relationship is not conventional signs and meanings but is determined by the nature or particular characteristics possessed object or situation in question. In the Indonesian language word lizards have a causal relationship with referennya or animals. That is, the beast called the lizard because her voice sounded like cak-cak-cak. Thus the word lizard called the sign is not a symbol. Furthermore, Fodor says that language problems are problems of meaning. Actually, not all linguists distinguish between symbols and signs. Richards (1985) mentions the word table as a sign although no causal relationship between objects (objects) that represented the word with the word table.

From the above description can be caught that one way is to express the meaning of the language, and there are many other ways that can be used. But so far, what is the meaning of meaning, or what the meaning is not clear. Bolinger (1981) states that language has a system of phonemes, which are formed from the distinctive features of sound, systems morpheme and syntax. To express the meaning of language should relate to the outside world. What is meant by the outside world is a world beyond the language included in the self-speaking world. World in the sense that this is called reality.

Explanation Bolinger (1981) suggests that the meaning is the relationship between reality and language. Meanwhile, reality includes everything that is beyond language. Reality may be manifested in the form of abstract language, because there is no language without meaning. While the meaning is the result of the relationship of language and reality.

By Felicia (2001: 1), the day-to-day communication, one of the most commonly used is the language, either spoken or written language. So close we are to the language, especially the Indonesian language, so it is not necessary for learning Indonesian and explore further. Consequently, as the user language, Indonesian people are not skilled in the use of language. An unconscious weakness.Verbal communication or non-standard in a very practical cause we do not speak carefully. As a result, we have difficulties when going to use written language or language that is more standardized and orderly. By the time required to speak 'for the benefit of a more directed to a specific purpose, we tend to be rigid. We will be speaking haltingly or language mixing standards with non-standard language or even, mixing foreign language or terms in our description. In fact, the language is very flexible, very manipulative. We can always manipulate the language to specific interests and goals. See, how clever the people involved in politics through language. We can always manipulate the language to specific interests and goals. In order to manipulate the language, we need to know the functions of language.Basically, the language has certain functions that are used by the needs of a person, ie, as a tool for self-expression, as a means to communicate, as a tool to organize and adapt to social integration in the environment or circumstances, and as a tool for social control (Keraf , 1997: 3).Swift currents of globalization on our lives will impact the growth and development of language as a means of supporting the growth and development of culture, science and technology. In the globalization era, the Indonesian people would not want to play a part in the world of free competition, whether in politics, economics, and communication. Concepts and new terminology in the growth and development of science and technology (science) indirectly enrich the Indonesian language. Thus, all cultural products will grow well in accordance with the growth and development of science and technology, including the Indonesian language, which is in it, as well as acting as infrastructure thinking and supporting the growth and development of science and technology that (Sunaryo, 1993, 1995) .According Sunaryo (2000: 6), in the absence of language (including Indonesian) science can not grow and thrive. Besides Indonesian in the cultural fabric, it has a position, function, and the dual role as the roots and cultural products that also functions as a means of thinking and supporting the growth and development of science and technology. Without a role similar language, science and technology will not be developed. The implication in the development of reasoning power, making the language of the infrastructure of modern thinking. Therefore, if you are careful in using the language, we will be careful in thinking as well as the language is a reflection of the power of reason (mind).Results reasoning power utilization will depend on the variety of the language used. Habituation use Indonesian language properly will produce the fruit of good and true thoughts anyway. The fact that the Indonesian language as a form of Indonesian identity becomes a means of communication in modern society. Indonesian be flexible to be able to function as a means of communication modern society. 
Bahasa sebagai Alat Ekspresi Diri

Language as a Tool for Self-Expression
 At first, a child uses language to express his will or feelings on a fixed target, the father-mother. During its development, a child no longer uses the language just to express his will, but also to communicate with the surrounding environment. Once we mature, we use language, both to express themselves and to communicate. A writer expresses himself through his writing. In fact, a scientific paper is a means of self-expression was a scientist to demonstrate ability in a particular field of science. Thus, we can write to express ourselves or to achieve certain goals.As another example, we are writing in a book, is the result of our self-expression. When we write, we do not think about who our readers. We just poured our hearts and feelings without thinking about whether it's writing to understand other people or not. However, when we write a letter to another person, we begin to think to whom the letter will be addressed. We choose a different way of speaking to people we respect in comparison to the way we speak to our friends.At the time of using language as a tool for self-expression, the language user need not consider or care who the listeners, readers, or target audience. He uses language just for personal interests. This function is different from the next function, namely language as a tool to communicate.As a means to express self-expression, language stating openly everything that is implied in our chests, at least to declare our existence. The elements that encourage self-expression, among others:- In order to attract the attention of others towards us,- The desire to free ourselves from all the emotional stressAt the beginning level, the language in children partly developed as a tool to express himself (Gorys Keraf, 1997: 4).

 Language as a Communication Tool
 Communication is a further result of self-expression. Communication will not be perfect when we are self-expression is not accepted or understood by others. With communication, we also learn and inherit all that ever achieved by our ancestors, and what is achieved by the people of our contemporaries.As a tool of communication, language is our intent formulation channels, giving birth to our feelings and allows us to create work with fellow citizens. It manages a wide range of community activities, plan and direct our future (Gorys Keraf, 1997: 4).At the moment we use language as a communication tool, we already have a specific purpose. We want to be understood by others. We want to convey the idea that can be accepted by others. We want to make others believe to our view. We want to influence others. Furthermore, we want others to buy the idea. So, in this case the reader or the listener or the target audience be our primary concern. We use language by taking into account the interests and needs of our target audiences.At the moment we use language to communicate, among other things we also consider whether the language we use for sale behavior. Therefore, we often hear the term "communicative language". For example, the macro is only understood by the people and a certain level of education, however large or broad words more easily understood by the general public. TVC says, for example, is more difficult to understand than the word house or homestead. In other words, the large, spacious, home, house, thought to be more communicative because it is more general. Instead, words or macro TVC will give another nuance in our language, for example, scientific nuances, shades of intellect, or a traditional feel.Language as a means of self-expression and as a communication tool served as a tool to show their identity. Through language, we can show our perspective, our understanding of the matter, the origin of the nation and our state, our education, and even our character. Language becomes a mirror of us, both as a nation and as yourself.  

in closing this paper, I suggest that a good language is a language that works well for users. therefore, as a good citizen be a good language user that the existence of the language and be able to formulate a well defined anyway 
Regards Handboom, may be useful for you 

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  1. please put references or sources. tnahk you


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