Some Muslim scientists already believe that UFO technology is the result of the Antichrist. Really? So, what about the law of cause and effect ...?In June 1947, a businessman named Kenneth Arnold saw something flying near Mount Rainer near Washington, something is spinning. "They flew up to cover the top of the mountain. I saw up to three minutes, when it looks like a chain of circular form of sunlight. I looked quickly. "He explained.So since that's the news of the flying saucer was a sensation. But what experienced by Arnold was considered a movement meteor, comet atmospheric phenomenon or movement to a few countries began an investigation about it.Beginning of the story Arnold, in 1948 precisely in 1948 precisely in January the news came from an observer station owned by Godman Air Force Bace in Kuntucy, USA. The station saw a flying object with the mystique, can be captured shaped like ice cream with a fiery red head. Then five national guard pilot of F-51 aircraft flying to find foreign. At that time the captain pilot Thomas F. Mantell led his men to approach even further. When they spin towards the target point, he reported by radio station controlled by the observer, "closing in take a good look." He said. Some time later he said that he saw a metallic object colored and large. "He flew over me quickly ....... My plane speed 360 miles per hour with a height of 2000 feet, and if I do not shut down I might be hunting them . "CREATE A PHENOMENONThis phenomenon continues with the multiple reports that there was a strange thing, so that efforts continue to be made as to make exploration missions, special radars, as well as observations made various parties, including NASA to seek a definitive answer about the phenomenon.U.S.. Air Force then mentions the phenomenon of UFO or Unidentified Flying Objects are always flying surface with a large size, but the certainty of the size of it may still be estimated puzzle measures 30 feet in length or 30 feet in diameter lingkarannua could not be ascertained. While speed is a phenomenon which is fantastic as it reaches hundreds of miles per hour.Until now, researchers continue to investigate the existence of UFOs in a sense, what really it is a plane that came from outer space, says sebaga Dajjal product or any other mystical view?Sociologist Robert Hall asserts that what is happening is the stimulation of the UFO phenomenon some ambitions of modern society called "system of belief" of development that transformed the UFO phenomenon in reality it means that it is an imagination about space.Dr. Lester Grinspoon provide suggestions that UFO mystery emerged thanks to the pressures of modern society that says "The increasingly anxious times in wich we live!" Which comes from the nervous tensions hindda make illusions and delusions. Similarly, hypothesis-the hypothesis of Dr. Carl Sagan of Cornell's univercity.In 1974 from the Academy of Science in France claim that celestial bodies such as meteor does not have a fixed orbit allowing movement or rate of meteor that caused the burning meteor effect of friction of the layers of the earth. Is there really a phenomenon of UFOs is that flocked extraterrestrial (space)? If it's the genie that was pioneered by the Antichrist has the technology course from the religious or Sufi minded and not mention other problems as well as Imam Ghazali, Al Hallaj, Farabi, and so on. But we know that they are the figures named in the occult mysticism knows the problem.So, what if it is considered as a product that was preceded by Samiri came forth? In the holy book (Al-Qur'an-Red) Samiri came forth the versatility to change the fabled golden calf which is said to be able to speak, but perhaps because of the air holes, which reads as wind gusts. him in making the calf does not mean magic.Samiri came forth was a smart Jew. But good at what? Samiri came forth was a man who lived during the Prophet Moses, if so, of course Samiri came forth can not be called jinn because he is human and can not be alive today were it not Moses alive today. (See Qur'an Sura. 20:85-98) about the existence of Samiri came forth as a picture of versatility).If we refer to the events of Isra 'Mi'raj Prophet intelligence or technology course will be far beyond what the intelligence Samiri came forth a picture of it and of course the theory of the existence of UFOs as interfering tangn Samiri came forth was not strong. So, maybe it's the same UFO vehicle Prophet while he did Isra 'Mi'raj? And how do we think about the man himself to say as being more perfect than jin? Could we lose a genie, who said ahead several centuries after us?So the conclusion technology genie can not be accepted because the earth is entitled to humans. If the true result of the product jin of course, humans will cooperate creator of highly sophisticated products at all even though we consider it very funny, but we can trust as well as a lot of people who approached the genie to work together may at some point later to make the plane bigger and sophisticated of the UFO itself.A wise man said that science must have a discovery. This means that sgala something that has become the rule, we can not say that we know what the water without water. We can not understand the heat if you do not feel the heat.We could not say if the product Antichrist Dajjal did not know what it is? Is it just some sort of symbol or naming sepert people say crazy, but crazy how? Therefore there will be various doubts of the UFO phenomenon is said Dajjal As with products which he said was very good at it.When talking about the Samiri came forth who lived during Moses then they both died at the moment of course there is never a prophet Moses again, what else is Samiri came forth. And if Samiri came forth to have mastered the technology of course the people of Moses or the prophets Moses himself also has the technology. Obviously if the unseen problems will be considered unreasonable if the UFO was the work of science and technology from the jinn or Samiri came forth it.Moreover, the Antichrist?Dajjal is a pralambang (symbol) from the point where the ugliness of the human qualities of the human soul that it had always clever grand kepandainnya herself up and forget about God and human nature.It makes no sense if the UFO is said to have the speed of 666 km per second was driven by a man that he was kidnapped as a child. This clearly violates the rules (the standard limit) physical condition. Meteor in the form of a giant stone there diats just burned to the ground, why the man who rode UFO to speed it does not burn? Likewise pesawatna. Is this considered a partnership jinn and mankind or jinns and demons, which is then fused to the human body?
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