Dibonjol, between high hills and lubuksikaping there is a poor family. Head of the family was named Jaura, has three children, two women, respectively - each named Dalipah and Rasmani, being the youngest one another boy named Omar. At first Dalipah school, but when Umar was born, he quit school in the fourth grade because her mother sick-sick, as well as the cost is not sufficient because it was too Melai Rasmani school. Finally Dalipah married to a pilgrim. Every day Rasmani delivered by parents, morning and evening school to school lessons.
Mother Rasmani actually have a half-brother named Datuk Marajo. With his wife Datuk Marajo have a single boy named Masrul. Masrul feel sorry for the parents Rasmani every morning always deliver Rasmani. He also asked the ladies and Rasmani to be allowed to go to school together to accompany Rasmani.makin long friendship sparked romance, it's just that their romance was not expressed by both.
At one time Rasmani graduated number three in the School Teachers. That number two is a young man named Rahman. While Masrul was still an apprentice clerk in his area. Six months after graduation Rasmani, Masrul appointed city clerk Painan. Before leaving, he went to a school inspector in the area and received a teacher receives Rasmani Kototuo village, replacing a teacher who has been stopped because it served another term. At first the request was not granted, because Rahmanlah should take precedence. But because the advice Masrul, Rahman would be replacing Masrul apprentice clerk, then was appointed as a teacher Rasmani Kototuo village. In addition, before leaving the mother intends to marry Masrul Masrul with Aminah, the son of a mamaknya. But Masrul not want to, because she actually loves Rasmani.
Mother Masrul itself actually does not want her son to live with Rasmani, but considering the family he thought was too modern in the way of educating their children, so it is not approved by customs. Just to cheer up her mother, promising to memulangi aminah Masrul about two years for Aminah origin were taught to study and write. After that he left Bonjol towards Painan and stay at the house of a prosecutor. Attorney's wife was named mak sawiah.During the separation, the relationship between Masrul and Rasmani only through correspondence. One of a letter between Masrul expect to make teaching Rasmani Aminah, bride Masrul it. With heaviness received also by teaching Rasmani Aminah. Actually Rasmani himself displeased him teach Aminah. Because Rasmani himself has fallen in love with Masrul. Awareness Rasmani Amnah teach well and patiently eliminate jealousy Masrul to Rasmani families who have accused him win Masrul.
Shortly thereafter in Painan Masrul asked by a teacher papaw (Principal) to want to be a law, which became her husband named Muslina. Masrul not hesitate to answer the request, but because he has already given hope to the parents of the girl, the marriage with Muslina ensued. Before performing the wedding, Masrul sent a letter to parents, the elderly and Rasmani Aminah. His parents Masrul stated that demand in order to marry his mother Aminah had promised it had not received, and he expects his parents to come to the wedding. While the request that Aminah Aminah married to someone else. He refused to marry because it is not good to marry Amina with his own relatives.Letter Masrul it caused his family mad at him. By means of a letter, she expressed her disappointment. They did not want to come kepernikahan Masrul with Muslinan. Even her mother asked Masrul so discouraged to marry Muslina, and if it does not want to marry Amina, his family allowed him to marry Rasmani, because Rasmani good-natured and well-mannered and educated.Muslina was actually originally lived in Padang. He was engaged to a doctor. Because the interaction with his friend when he went to Mulo, it finally putuslah engagement. After that he then engaged to his best friend. But for reasons not approved by the family of her friend, then her fiance was broken again. Embarrassed, Muslina Painan and moved to close the embarrassment that urges parents to want to marry Masrul Muslina. Then the second marriage was blessed with a child. At first their relationship is fine, but it got worse after a long time, because of the attitude that has always ruled Masrul Muslina.
One day Masrul moved in Padang since his appointment to chief clerk. Muslina Masrul relationship and worse, then they divorced. Muslina and her children lived with her father and mother. Meanwhile Rasmani and his mother had moved to Bukittinggi. He moved there after successfully pass a test. After Masrul quit with honor from His post, is also going home Rasmani in Bukittinggi. His arrival was received by Rasmani with new hope. love that has been nearly extinguished it now turns again. Overnight stay in Dublin Masrul acquaintances at home. The next day Bonjol Masrul go to her parents' home to apologize. His arrival was received by his father and mother be happy. Relations with mamak-mamaknya was good again. Aminah had left once been married to someone else.In knurl Masrul lived several months in order to recover his health. Once healed, he intends to seek employment field. Dei field he will go to the teacher's house Rasad sister, her best friend when in Painan first. He also informed the Rasmani. Ahead of leaving for Medan Masrul go home Rasmani in Bukittinggi. Masrul hope to Rasmani willing to be his wife after he got a job in the field. Rasmani was menyanggupinya. In Medan Masrul first as a journeyman with three straps daily wage, then get another job with a salary of thirty-five dollars a month. Because she felt inadequate, ultimately Masrul looking for reasons to Rasmani, that he could not keep his promise to live together as Muslina asked reconciliation, remembering her pains and her parents died as Masrul reason not to keep his promise.
Hearing the news, Rasmani suffering from heart disease. Because of his father and his mother brought Dalipah of Bonjol. Not long after Masrul sent another letter to Rasmani and reported that he had got a job earning a hundred dollars a month. He intended that Rasmani go to Medan to be his wife. On first if Muslina bring reconciliation was a lie, because at that time Masrul not have enough salary. But even after hearing the news that Rasmani pains are increasing parah.hal notified Dalipah to Masrul and Dalipah hope that Masrul come to Bukittinggi. Because they still have to wait for the salary to be received the next day, so he had to postpone the day of departure. Meanwhile Rasmani Bonjol brought home to his family and died there. Before he died, he wrote a letter to Masrul letter was given to Dalipah to deliver on Masrul later when he came.The next day after the death of Rasmani, Masrul home mother in Bonjol. From there he intended to invite her mother to Bukittinggi. Then she said that Masrul late day comes, because Rasmani had died yesterday. That night Masrul Rasmani invited her to the house. He saw the house Rasmani many people are doing salvation. With heaviness Dalipah said that Rasmani had died yesterday. Dalipah Masrul was cursed for his actions that caused his brother to his younger brother died. The incident Masrul asked to Dalipah maf. Then Dlipah told Masrul came three days later. For he will deliver a letter written to Masrul Rasmani before dying. Three days later came home Masrul Dalipah. The letter was given to Masrul. The letter contained a request that he Masrul kepad Rasmani find another girl alone and intends preceded gone forever. Finally, the letter closed by saying goodbye Rasmani.
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