One culture in Indonesia, particularly in Java that has been retained from the common ancestor to the present
For the Javanese, the month is called the month of Sha'ban Ruwah. The leaders said that the word comes from the word ngluru ruwah and spirits. In view of the philosophy of Java, Ruwah months later believed to be a good time to visit the ngluru spirits or ancestors.During the months that the Java community Ruwah Nyadran ceremony (derived from the word Shraddha), visit ancestral graves to clean the grave and lay a wreath. Shraddha ceremony has been performed since the time of Majapahit. In his book Kalangwan, historian Zoetmulder also tells Shraddha ceremony ever held to commemorate the death of Tribhuwana Tungga Goddess in 1352. After Islam entered into the land of Java, Shraddha ceremony go ahead, but by Sunan Kalijaga packed in Islamic nuance and atmosphere of silaturrahmi Ruwah held each month.Ritual Nyadran in each area in Java implemented with a variety of different ways. Rural communities are generally in organizing the ceremony Nyadran Java in general (communal) held in the daytime to evening. Each resident makes a small cone was then taken to the house of the village to hold a prayer together and eat together (feast). There also are immediately taken to the grave and held a joint prayer at the tomb.
Menu food is prepared is usually a savory rice and lauknya. As an offering, there are special food that is sticky, compote, and Apem. All three of these foods is believed to have special meaning. Ketan is a symbol errors (khotho'an), compote is the epitome of truth (kolado), and Apem as a symbol of apology. For the Javanese who live in Yogyakarta and surrounding areas, sticky foods, compote, and Apem is always present in every ceremony / slametan associated with death. Meaning contained in this offering is to obtain a peaceful spirit in his side.
Meanwhile in other communities there are packing food into takir, where the food is made from banana leaves, on either side of ditusuki stick. Besides used for Munjung (distributed) to older relatives, the food was also a ubarampe (complement) festivity. Close neighbors also get part of the meal earlier.Furthermore, the peak sadranan begins with cleaning the cemetery. Finish cleaning the grave, the villagers held a feast which is located along the road to the tomb or the empty land around the tomb of ancestors (family). Festivity begins after the beating sound of drums with virgin code grandiose (prolonged). Then the whole family and little kids and teens attended the festivity that.Each family will usually bring food sparingly, various types, and sat cross-legged in a state together. Later, the village leaders opened the show, it intends to express gratitude and thanks to the people who are willing to provide food, Ambengan, and others, including his time. After that, Mbah Tribe (local scholars) who have chosen to be rois, came forward to lead the prayer that it begged forgiveness and forgiveness or sins of their ancestors or their personal Lord Almighty.Her prayer use ordinances of Islam, residents and children agrees. Cheerful atmosphere illustrated children recite spirit shouting amen. Finished praying, all present held tasting food.
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