Stay Cool even without Air Conditioning

Staying at home does not have air conditioning saves enough electricity costs . Unfortunately , the air and the temperature in some areas in Indonesia , especially big cities , tend to be hot and stuffy .Survive to live in a house without air conditioning would risk triggering the presence of various diseases . Various reasons can be behind you to avoid the use of air conditioning . If you insist on avoiding the use of air conditioning , you need to make sure your decision is not going to be bad for you and the family .However , do not worry , some solutions are already available for those who avoid the use of air conditioning in the house . Consider the following: 

The right choice of material wall

The best solution is to ensure that building materials maker walls of your home is able to withstand the heat of the sun . The walls are able to withstand heat , meaning he was " put off " the heat outside into the house .However , this building material is not a patch material , but the builder of the wall material . Use natural stone walls , concrete walls , brick walls , or wood walls . Each material has a different ability to withstand heat . Thus , you can adjust how strong and how long your walls able to withstand sunlight .Natural stone walls as thick as 30 cm can withstand heat up to 8 hours . 15-meter -thick concrete walls can withstand heat up to 3.8 hours . Brick wall 10 cm thick can withstand more heat for 2 hours . While the timber wall thickness of 5 cm is only able to withstand the heat for about an hour .

 Another element as a coolant

In addition to the wall material , roof make " hanging " on the window of your home . The roof will be a protector which controls the entry of sunlight into your home . Do not forget , in addition to carefully selecting wall materials maker , you also have to carefully choose the floor that can keep cool in the hot temperatures . Also, try to maintain the plant as a " protector " of your home from the hot sun.

 Pros and cons of air conditioning 

If the way the air is not cool enough for you , there is no harm in occasional use air conditioning or installing energy-efficient air conditioner .Air conditioning or Air Conditioner ( AC ) can indeed lead to changes in air temperature are quite extreme . It is capable of causing respiratory problems and dryness of the skin . In addition , homeowners can be exposed to several diseases caused by air circulation , dust , and mold .However , AC is not entirely a bad effect for its users . Both used at home or in the office , air conditioning can trigger productivity . In addition, the lower temperature of the room to avoid insects , parasites , and other allergens . If the user ensures hygiene air conditioning filter on a regular basis , even air conditioning can improve air quality .

8 komentar untuk "Stay Cool even without Air Conditioning"

  1. This is an intresting blog that you have posted, you shares a lot of things about Air Conditioning Contractors, Refrigeration Repair Service and Air Conditioning Services. Which are very informative for us.Thanks

    1. Thank you for your comment. It is true. I am writing this. because it was inspired from my colleagues who tried to cultivate a room becomes cool without air conditioning. you're right. Should it really mature in making this concept. and certainly needs a dynamic space planning so that the results are satisfactory. hope it is useful

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm not sure your home would stay entirely cool in the summer if you did this. I think I would still need an air conditioner. This is a great guide to help lower your utility bill though. I might need to look into this.

    1. Thank you for your comment. It is true, my house is not so cool in the summer. Obviously I need ac. I created this article is based on my own experience and my colleagues, if the summer, I tried to put the pot with pohhon-tree that can provide cool air during the day in summer. must be placed at the edge of the room or porch that can be exposed to the sun. Indeed, this is one alternative for lowering the cost of the bill listrik.hehe ... try for your room. I'm sure if installed in your room which has a wide space, you can feel yourself the benefits. hope it is useful. A Greeting

  4. These are great tips it will help you save energy and money and that is a nice thing. But always remember to get a high quality contractor so that saving money will benefit you more

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    1. Thank you for your comment. Yes yes ya..hehe ... your right. sometimes we need to cultivate a room in order to save the cost of electricity bills to be dimanfaarkan for things that can make a room more comfortable lagi.hehe .. Regards

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