Language Modernization

          Language is a result of human creativity in the community to communicate with each other. Heterogeneity and multiculturalism, making the language must have evolved. Especially if the language is the language of the National, of course, should always be monitored and always developed more agarr quality is always increasing from time to time.

Language Modernization is the purpose of a planning language. Modernization of the language will arise where the quality and purpose can compete the world arena. Such as English language, English is the global language. Modernization that is displayed in English which became an international language. System use in meeting state-statehood use English to make the English language that was once only shared by his people alone, after the invasion of various countries and apply the principles making English commonwealth formations in many countries.

Language Modernization in Indonesia also occur, where the first initial of spelling Spelling Van Opuijsen until now enhanced. Not only that, Indonesian now already started to move to become an international language, although recently the ASEAN level course, but that's as evidence that the Indonesian language is also experiencing tremendous modernization.

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