Plan Type 70 Modern Minimalist House Beautiful

Minimalist House Design Type 70 from the first has been much in demand by almost all of the upper middle class . House design type 70 means that the total of the overall area of the house is 70 square meters ( m2 ) . Type housing 70 has a design and a comfortable and spacious design and elegant impression and tend to be more spacious than the model of minimalist type 54 and type 45 , so that the design of both models are included its own appeal for a new pair of upper middle class who are 're looking for a dream home for their residence .

Info Latest Design Modern Minimalist House Type 70

Minimalist home type 70 now comes with a lot of modern and minimalist style . Must be supported by a fairly affordable price too expensive or not so well suited for the middle class . In general, house design type 70 does have two rooms , but there also have up to three bedrooms . Bedroom of the house type 70 spacious and comfortable , this is because the ventilation in the room pretty well  and where the living room and family room are connected directly .

There are many advantages of this house , one of the advantages that we might already know is the opening at the front of the house with a high ceiling , so that the cool air flowing into the house as well as the soft light of the sun in the morning . This course can give the impression of a healthy home for your family . Moreover, the existence of a positive impression of the guests who visit our house because of the comfort provided . In general comprehensive land minimalist house with the type 70 is 9 × 14 square meters ( m2 ) .

Well , minimalist house plan type 70 is indeed designed very ideal and very appropriate for urban areas in Indonesia. Although the land owned is not too extensive , but the architectural design homes that participated this type deal with a dynamic system ceiling . Then with the game of colors that make homes more beautiful . Furniture decoration given was quite astute in the arrangement , of course, it supports the artistic impression on the interior of this house .

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