Uniquely browse Ceramics

Using ceramics as floor surface coverings and bathroom walls are a popular choice in Indonesia . The reason is simple , relatively more robust in the face of ceramic humidity and exposure to water rather than paint or wallpaper . Ceramic is also available in a variety of colors and textures .

Here are some facts about ceramics . Learn about various things about ceramics before you use it at home .

First , the basic things ceramic . Ceramic tiles are generally available in various types . Style , color , and unique finishes are available. Currently also available with a ceramic tile relative size larger than the tile size in general . This can be exploited to reduce the grout on the consumer installation process . The price varies , but relatively affordable . Regarding strength , ceramic tile is strong . However , these tiles are not as strong as porcelain tiles .

Second , when deciding to choose ceramic tiles as wall coverings , try to be creative . There is now available a variety of tiles with unique textures . Take advantage of this texture to give dimension to your bathroom . However, avoid using too many unique textured ceramic tiles in the shower . Although beautiful , the tiles are relatively difficult to clean .

Third , make sure you choose a ceramic tile that has a strong finishing . The easiest way to test this is to buy samples first, then clean continuously for some time by using a cleaning solution that you normally use at home .

To reduce damage to the ceramic tile , try cleaning it with a routine using gentle cleaning solution . Use white nylon brush and a little soap . Ceramic is strong , but it's better you use a gentle detergent to prevent rapid deterioration .

Lastly, make sure you install the tiles properly . Installing ceramic tile is relatively easy , especially if you 've never done this before . Several types of ceramic tiles currently provides arrows behind the tiles to guide the installation . Take advantage of the information that you had no trouble installing it and got the perfect view .

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