Minimalist house will continue to be a trend not only the minimalist interior, exterior areas such as gardens, terraces, pools can also be made the minimalist trend. As well as an indoor patio that not only makes the home garden as a place of relaxation, but also residents of the house. In general, the terrace is a part of the house that serves as a liaison between the environment inside and outside the home.
Like the interior, the exterior of the house also has a room that is formed as the patio. Park as an area outside the house is a terrace companion who was also in front of the house and arranged so that looks attractive and comfortable ..
Should also floored terrace. The material can be flexible, whether it uses wood, ceramic, or natural stone with a rough texture. Coarse texture is certainly needed to prevent slip when wet by rain porch. For area overlooking the outdoor space or garden, you should not need to be placed against the wall, especially the massif. The existence of the roof will also be important, because the roof is a patio shade from the hot sun exposure maupum rain shower. For terms of color selection, white will create an atmosphere on the terrace patio look fresh, neat, and clean.

Well as the main color or the base color, white can be selected. But there was a possibility for you if you want to adjust the color blends elements of nature or the green garden. Thus, the patio must be addressed by creating attractive designs that give a wonderful impression. May be useful
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