Perception is alleged. Conjectural perception process allows us to interpret the meaning of an object that is more complete than any one perspective. Therefore, complete information is never available, suspicion is needed to make conclusions based on incomplete information by sensing it. We must fill the empty space to complete the picture and provide the missing information. (Mulyana, 2007: 201)
Perception that there is going to form a hypothesis about the speaker's intent. The process takes place quickly and unnoticed by the listener. That's necessary for good communication between the speaker to the listener that raises only one perception. Perception and reception was there when we listen or read. Therefore included in the listening and reading skills receptive or receive. (Dharmowijono & Suparwa, 2009: 30-32)
Listening is a process of listening to verbal symbols with caring, understanding, appreciation, and interpretation to obtain information, content capture and understand the meaning of communication is conveyed by the speaker through speech or spoken language (Tarin, 1985). Listening is listening (attention) well what is spoken or read the (KBBI 2001: 1066).
There are 5 methods to listen to the critical listening, listening concentrative, creative listening, listening interogratif, and listening exploratory. According to Tarin, there are things that must be considered when listening; These sounds phonemic language, Sequence sounds, words task, the sound changes, structural groupings, Instructions arrangement / sequence of words related to the functions and meaning, word meaning, word greeting, preface contained in speech, cultural meaning.
Perception that there is going to form a hypothesis about the speaker's intent. The process takes place quickly and unnoticed by the listener. That's necessary for good communication between the speaker to the listener that raises only one perception. Perception and reception was there when we listen or read. Therefore included in the listening and reading skills receptive or receive. (Dharmowijono & Suparwa, 2009: 30-32)
Listening is a process of listening to verbal symbols with caring, understanding, appreciation, and interpretation to obtain information, content capture and understand the meaning of communication is conveyed by the speaker through speech or spoken language (Tarin, 1985). Listening is listening (attention) well what is spoken or read the (KBBI 2001: 1066).
There are 5 methods to listen to the critical listening, listening concentrative, creative listening, listening interogratif, and listening exploratory. According to Tarin, there are things that must be considered when listening; These sounds phonemic language, Sequence sounds, words task, the sound changes, structural groupings, Instructions arrangement / sequence of words related to the functions and meaning, word meaning, word greeting, preface contained in speech, cultural meaning.
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