According to Tarin there are 4 language skills ie speaking, writing, reading and listening. Speaking and writing are productive skills, ie language proficiency produce. While reading and memnyimak included into the receptive skills or sometimes also called perceptive proficiency, the language proficiency that is received.
Perception is an internal process that allows us to select, organize, and interpret stimuli from our environment, and the processes influencing our behavior. While the language itself is a means of communication between people human. According KBBI perception means; 1 response (acceptance) directly dr something; uptake: 2 process someone knows a few things through the senses.
Perception is alleged. Conjectural perception process allows us to interpret the meaning of an object that is more complete than any one perspective. Therefore, complete information is never available, suspicion is needed to make conclusions based on incomplete information by sensing it. We must fill the empty space to complete the picture and provide the missing information. (Mulyana, 2007: 201)
Perception is the process quickly. Our tendency to fill in gaps in information that is not intact, and that we are really doing is just a guess. It is hard to find other alternatives due to limited experience and learning from birth. (Mulyana, 2007: 203)
Perception is a cognitive process that reflects the inner psychological attitudes, beliefs, values, and expectations to interpret the objects of perception. Therefore, it is personal and subjective perceptions. (Mulyana, 2007: 206)
Perception is an internal process that allows us to select, organize, and interpret stimuli from our environment, and the processes influencing our behavior. While the language itself is a means of communication between people human. According KBBI perception means; 1 response (acceptance) directly dr something; uptake: 2 process someone knows a few things through the senses.
Perception is alleged. Conjectural perception process allows us to interpret the meaning of an object that is more complete than any one perspective. Therefore, complete information is never available, suspicion is needed to make conclusions based on incomplete information by sensing it. We must fill the empty space to complete the picture and provide the missing information. (Mulyana, 2007: 201)
Perception is the process quickly. Our tendency to fill in gaps in information that is not intact, and that we are really doing is just a guess. It is hard to find other alternatives due to limited experience and learning from birth. (Mulyana, 2007: 203)
Perception is a cognitive process that reflects the inner psychological attitudes, beliefs, values, and expectations to interpret the objects of perception. Therefore, it is personal and subjective perceptions. (Mulyana, 2007: 206)
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