Ruwatan - Java Tradition

Tradition "ceremony / ritual ruwatan" is still used the Java, as a means of liberation and purification of man by his / her fault that affects misfortune in his life. In the story "puppet" to play Murwakala on ruwatan tradition in Java (Central Java) was initially estimated to grow in the ancient Javanese story, which contains the main content of purification problems, namely the release of the god who had been tarnished, so be holy again, or meruwat means: overcome or avoid something spiritual distress by conducting performances / rituals with leather puppet media that the theme / story Murwakala.

In the tradition of Javanese people whose existence is experienced Nandang sukerto / are in sin, then to purify back, the need to conduct the ritual. According to the plot, this sukerto do something person, believed to be the prey Kala. This figure is the son of Guru (wayang) who was born of passion that can not be controlled upon Dewi Uma, which then sperm fall into the middle of the sea, eventually transformed into a giant, which is in the tradition of puppetry called "Kama one gumulung drums". When this giant facing his father (Batara teacher) to ask for food, by Batara teacher informed that feed on humans are sinful or sukerta. On this basis then look for solosi, so as not consumed the Kala is required ritual ruwatan. Said Murwakala / purwakala derived from the prototype ( basic of humans), and

in this play, which is a point of view is awareness: on non imperfect human beings, who are always involved in the error, and can affect the onset of a disaster (one kedaden).

To show puppet leather Murwakala usually required equipment as follows:

     Javanese musical instruments (Gamelan)
     Shadow puppets of the box (complete)
     Curtain or screen fabric
     Blencong or oil lamp

In addition to the above equipment is required offerings in the form of:

     Tuwuhan, which consists of plantain setudun, ripe and good, which cut down the trunk with cengkir ivory (young coconut), sugar cane tree with leaves, fig leaf, leaf elo, spare dadap leaf, leaves nothing, leaves Imperata grass, leaf, leaves kara, and leaves Artocarpus camansi that everything was tied standing at the front door pillar could also serve as an ornament / decoration and application. Two flower decorated Mayang placed behind the screen (screen) right-left, setaman interest in the bowl in place in advance mastermind, which will be used to bathe Kala, people were purified and others-others.

     Fire (coking) in the brazier, the fan along with incense (fragrant incense) which will be used Kyai puppeteer during the show.
     White cloth approximately 3 meters in length, stretched under debog (banana stem) panggungan from the face of the screen (color) up to behind the scenes and sprinkled rose upfront color as cushion Ki Dalang, while behind the scenes as the seat of people are purified with wearing a white cloth blanket.
     Gawangan color top (bamboo wood that stretches above the screen) decorated with batik fabrics new five (5) pieces, including sindur fabric, fabric bango tulak and equipped with rice segedeng (4 belt on either side).

     Assortment of rice, among others:

         Rice golong with equipment, fried, boiled Artocarpus camansi, pecel chicken, vegetables, groats, etc.
         Rice wuduk equipped with; fish slabs, lalaban, cucumber, red and green chili large scallions, black soybeans.
         Yellow rice with equipment; Chicken eggs are scrambled three seeds. Srundeng Asmaradana.

     Miscellaneous porridge (porridge), namely: porridge red, white, Kaleh porridge, porridge-baro baro (various porridge).

     Traditional snacks (fruit assortment) such as: plantain, nuts, bark, betel given money, palm sugar, coconut, snacks such as Blingo that is colored red, incense, flowers, water placed on cupu, needle and black and white thread, a small glass, jug filled with water, empluk (pot containing green beans, soy, kluwak, pecans, dried fish, eggs and money one penny).

     Yarn yarn, coconut oil used to light blencong, because although still wear light lunch blencong.

     In the form of animals such as pigeon one pair of a pair of Java chicken, duck pair.

     Sajen form include: salad is placed on tube, crazy salad (salad of bananas klutuk ang mixed with water without salt), ivory bamboo linma ros. All of them placed ditampah containing rice cone, with side dishes such as grilled kuluban boiled chicken egg, sauce sprawl, fish river / sea salt Anpa cooked and placed behind the screen right in front of Kyai puppeteer.

     Sajen exhaust dhayang shown to form large or kroso Takir containing small cone rice with side dishes, snack market (such as raw fruits and penny.). Sajen was dumped in a haunted place with prayer (praise / spells) please salvation.The well or spring water taken and entered coconut. The bathrooms are for people who diruwat entered bath oil is still intact.

Done ngruwat ceremony, ivory bamboo of five roses planted at the end of the house accompanied empluk kempat (small jars) that contains green beans, black soybeans, salted fish, kluwak, pecans, eggs and money, accompanied by prayer for the safety and well-being, and in order to achieve what is hoping to attain.

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