Partition Room

Usually a room divider or partition , shut down most of the separation space limit . As a result , so the room feels cramped . To outsmart , usually people try to apply a transparent partition , so both spaces are still " connected " though somewhat vague .In addition to the transparent partition , we can also try another way . For example, by minimizing the use of room partitions . Apply only as a barrier partition activity area , so it does not restrict the entire room . For example , as partitions in the kitchen , in this photo .

Glass partition in this photo restricting the kitchen and living room area . It measures only 78cm long, with a height of 2.5 m . Although it does not cover the entire kitchen , this partition still fulfill its function as a room divider . The wood -framed glass partition capable blocking the view , so do not immediately drawn to the kitchen . So not too transparent , glass partition with glass coated films . Tendrils and floral motifs make it looks more beautiful .Partitions created a built -in , placed exactly at the end of the kitchen set . Placement also suggests that the partition is the deadline for the kitchen set and kitchen . The same cues received by those who were in the living room .  

Thus the glass partition , was a strict separation between the two spaces . Cool right ?Maybe you 've heard about the minimalist home partition before? Partition or divider , is a barrier that can be used to limit the room with different functions . Its form can vary . Cabinets can be used as delimiters . For example, the barrier between the living room with a TV , or a TV room with a dining area .Minimalist home partition , is widely used because it gives a lot of advantages in the construction of a house . Not only homes with a small wide , now is minimalist with a large enough size too much to use a partition or divider . This option becomes a wise move when we want to get a residential feel more spacious , with no stuffy as full divider walls between the room with each other .

Moreover, it has rooms that are too large " empty " would not be the wonderful views . Partition or divider , could be used as a tool to beautify the room is too big without such content .Like many minimalist home pictures we have presented here , most of the models using partition or divider between the room. Especially if we look at the minimalist type 36 , 45 , or houses other larger .

House with traditional design , although small in size, usually always use the wall as a barrier . For example, from the living room , room , dining room , TV room , and kitchen . Everything is limited by the wall , so very impressed stuffy and cramped .You can see the application of the use of minimalist home following partitions that appear to further increase the sweet cozy home atmosphere , and of course anti stuffy and cramped .
Partition using plants , unique enough to try. If you have a kitchen and ample lounge space and feels empty , like the partition to try to put in the middle .

Still use the plant , making the room feel more airy , natural , and natural . Such partitioning can also be used to restrict the kitchen and dining room , or if both of them together, can be used as a barrier to the living room or family room .

Your room can be transformed into a room filled with creativity like this . Using wood arranged , storage of goods until such a secret . Interesting is not it?

1 Komentar untuk "Partition Room"

  1. As I saw in pictures I got many creative ideas about room dividers. You picture says that room divider can be made by anything whether it’s a natural thing or it’s a solid wood. It could be anything so thanks for sharing these creative ideas.

    HAG Capisco


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