Nature is always able to inspire the world of architecture . This time , turn the leaves form used by SJK Architects of India to create a unique residence in the coastal areas Alibaug , India . Used as a form of leaf canopy . Each canopy supported by pillars slanted steel is made to shade a particular space .
This house has five separate rooms . Four space surrounded by glass , while one room was left open . All rooms are located on the edge of the pool and pond lilies . Canopy shape and the presence of these pools seem so shady . Although the architecture of this kind of design as confirmed stereotypes tropical Asia , but its convenience makes you have to think of the stereotype , at least for a moment .
" Clients enjoy the idea of the existence of spaces overlapping but different functions in any part of the house . These homeowners want an unusual experience when migrating from one room to another . Ironically , these homeowners want to create and live in " woods " made of concrete shaped leaves around the house though , the big trees are still available . however , yet this house still looks special, "said the architect .
Each room concreted leaf has a different function . For example , a room used as a living room , while the other room used as a kitchen , child's room , and master bedroom . Child's room and the master suite has its own corresponding private courtyard .
Another feature that is worth listening to is a wall of glass and wooden doors " seal " the wall . In addition , the curved shape of the roof and the lack of symmetry in the home setting is actually enabled him to take advantage of the maximum air circulation . Additionally , the light can also be entered into the house with ease .
House measuring 650 square meters in an acre of land is located at the foot of the hill . Around it is full of coconut trees , mango , and a variety of other large trees . Inspired by these plants , this house was made with leaf -shaped roof . Actually , the leaves of which are in the area consists of seven leaves . Five " leaf " shade five different room , while the two " leaves " overshadow other open space for the house .
This idea is quite unique , but not the only one in the world . Apparently, canopy -shaped leaves have also been made in Indonesia. The complex precisely in the Faculty of Humanities ( FIB ) UI , Depok .
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