The meaning of the Indonesian language properly and correctly

I apologize in advance if writing in English so do not meet the rules of good English.Language is not just a means of communication, the language-system. Therefore, language is not just to communicate, need to obey the rules or speak the language rules apply.The phrase "Use Indonesian properly." We have often heard and read the expression. The problem is understanding what is formed in our minds when they hear the phrase? What exactly is that phrase? Is used as measuring instruments (criteria) good language? What language did the correct gauge?
 Language of Good
 The use of language by emphasizing both the communicative aspect of the language. That means that we have to pay attention to our language goals. We must pay attention to whom we will pass on our language. Therefore, the element of age, education, religion, social status, social environment, and the point of view of our target audience should not be ignored. The way we speak to children in a way we speak to adults is different. The use of language for the highly educated and less educated workers certainly can not be equated. We can not convey an understanding of the bridge, for example, with the same language to a child to primary school and adults. In addition to a different age, the absorptive capacity of a child to an adult is certainly much different.Furthermore, as it relates to aspects of communication, the communication elements are important, the sender of the message, the message content, media delivering a message, and the recipient. Sending a message is the one who will convey an idea of ​​the intended recipients, the listener or reader, depending on the media used. If the sender of a message using the phone, the media used is an oral medium. If he uses the letter, the medium used is the media board. The contents of the message is the idea he wanted to say to the recipient.Let us use the example of a magazine or book. The message sender can be the author of the article or the author of the story, both comic, fairy tales, or narratives. The contents of the message is a problem or a story to be conveyed or explained. Media messages are magazines, comics, or storybooks. All writing is delivered to the intended readers. How to articles or stories delivered naturally adapted to the intended readers. Means, in the manufacture of the article will be considered kind of problems, types of stories, and to whom the story was written or directed.

The Right LanguageCorrect language related to aspects of the rules, namely the rules of language. Related  to the regulatory language, there are four things that must be considered, namely the problem of grammar, word choice, punctuation, and spelling. Knowledge of grammar and word choice, must-have in the use of spoken and written language. Knowledge of punctuation and spelling should be owned in the use of written language. Without adequate knowledge of grammar, we will have difficulty in playing with language.Criteria used to look at the correct use of language is a rule language. This rule covers the aspects of (1) system sounds (phonology), (2) grammar (words and sentences), (3) vocabulary (including the term), (4), spelling, and (5) significance. In the aspect of the sound system, for example, we have received sounds f, v and z. Therefore, the correct word is dawn, motifs, active, variable, vitamins, devaluation, zakat, permit, not pajar, motive, active, pariabel, vitamine, depaluasi, jakat, permit. Pronunciation problems also include aspects of the Earth system. The correct pronunciation is complex, transmigration, export, not complex, tranmigrasi, ekspot.In the aspect of grammar, the form of the word for example, the correct form is changed, seek, urgency, speeding, upright, and accountability, not obah, robah, fox, Kismet, kedesak, speeding, stands and  accountability. In terms of sentence statements is not true because it does not contain the subject. Independent sentence must have a subject, predicate and object or.(1) The table above shows that the number of women more than that of men.If the word on the preceding statement was omitted, the element of the table above the subject. Thus, the sentence is true. In the aspect of vocabulary, words like say, love, EVER, and already better replaced with say / said, give, briefly, and already in the correct use of language. In conjunction with the terminology, the term impact (impact), airports, output (output), and land tax (land tax) is selected as the correct term than the term influence, airport, yield, and land tax. In terms of spelling, writing is the correct analysis, systems, objects, schedules, quality, and hierarchy. In terms of meaning, the correct use of language related to the accuracy of using words that correspond to the demands of meaning. For example, in the language of science is not appropriate to use words that are connotative (figuratively). So the correct use of language is the use of language in accordance with the rules of language.Criteria for the use of language that is both careful selection of different languages ​​to suit the needs of communication. The selection is related to the topics discussed, the purpose of the talks, the person to talk to (if oral) or reader (if writing), and a conversation. Moreover, it is a good language to reason, in the sense that the language we use  logical and in accordance with the values ​​of our society. Correct use of language is reflected in the use of grammatical sentences, the sentences that meet the rules of grammar sounds (phonology), grammar, vocabulary, terminology, and spelling. Good use of language seen from the use of effective sentences, the sentences to convey the message / information accurately (Dendy Sugondo, 1999: 21) ..Speak properly not only emphasize the truth in terms of grammar, but also pay attention to the communicative aspects. Communicative language is not always Hanus is a standard language. Instead, use the standard language does not necessarily mean that the language is good and true. Instead, we use a variety of language that matched the target and in addition follow the rules of correct language (Alwi et al., 1998: 21)

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