Sanur Beach is located in Sanur Village, South Denpasar District Municipality Dati II Denpasar. This beach is located on the east and south of the village of Sanur, which is the southern edge of Indonesia Ocean island of Bali. The place was known since ancient times, especially during the war Puputan Badung on 20 September 1906 where the Dutch troops landed there. In the history of ancient Bali Sanur beach is also well known, and there masdih written stone monument is the inscription of King Kasari Warmadewa Singhadwala berkeraton in 917 years, which are now found in South Side Blanjong Sanur Beach.

Sanur beach scene also looks beautiful in the afternoon, because the state of the sea water is usually low tide and the waves are small ripples. Attacks islands and coral rocks jutting into the sea across the sea visible from Sanur Beach south. Panorama southern Sanur beach more beautiful views in the morning. Place a strategic review is part of the East, in Semawang and Mertasari. The situation there was fresh air and a comfortable sea breeze blowing. The atmosphere along the coast of Sanur light and shade as full of big trees. Sanur beach is nice to enjoy the sunrise (Sun Rise), and sunbathing along the white sandy beach.
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