A. Background Issues Language is a virtual appliance that contains specific meanings according to the context of users deliberately used to meet the needs of a communication either verbally or in writing (Marianne W. Jorgensen: 2010). In general, the language is a communication tool that is used as conveying information. Surely the point of view of its function has significant differences. Spoken language serves as a communication language course here where the dialects and their meanings is not a matter of language is complicated. Unlike the spoken language that serves as a transmitter of information is one of them. The language in this function leads to a language course that is writing. Language in this function very concerned deeply how the language is constructed so that a tangible written information can be delivered and did not deviate from the intended. Of course emphasizes aspects of a language that has a character in the delivery of an information or can say in the functioning of language as a medium of information should be put on language constructs berkaidah that a good information can be conveyed without the distortions caused meanings. The influence of language in the media information is very important, given the importance of language notabennya can not be separated from the role of language itself as an information transmitter of meaning and information.
One embodiment of a language that has a function as a transmitter of information is the mass media in which the term is used in the close field is journalism. The mass media are media for the masses where it contains a lot of knowledge of language which serves as previous repertoire conveys information. According to the Basic Law Article 1 paragraph (1), the press is a social institution and a vehicle of mass communication that carry out journalistic activities include the search for, acquire, possess, store, manage, and communicate information either form of writing, voice, image, sound image, data, and graphs as well as in other forms of print media, electronic media, all types are available. The mass media into the work of human culture growing and expanding, so the purpose of expression and communication is no longer sufficient if it is not expanded. The mass media, which consisted of the press, television, radio and others, as well as the process of mass communication increasingly used as an object of study. Symptoms along with the increasing role of the mass media itself as an important institution in society.
Coverage in the media, the existence of a language does play an important role in the mass media. because the language has a character that is as a means of communication and conveys information. Tangible language writing course should consider carefully constructs and principles used in the preparation of a paper that had to be present in the mass media. One of the mass media is promoting aspects of language are more detailed and require a careful precision and linguistic repertoire that really brings the actual linguistic rules are print media, where a function of written language as a tool in the information applied strictly in the mass media print. Print media that carries the written language, the language would have to pay attention to tangible writing meticulously written language constructs in media information. Writing and grammar errors as outlined could affect the meaning of the information in the mass media that may not comply with the intent and expectation. Ethical aspects, short, dense, but still wearing the rules adopted language. Construction of the news language is also used in order to oppose a news reader on the news as reported in the print media. Construction of a language in the news print media are considered legitimate. Pembertitaan Construction is the construction of an image language news and mengoposisikan usually assume both writers themselves, society or reported. For researchers familiar language first term in the world of journalism.
Print media has separate sections that are categorized based on the importance of the news, but here under review is limited to Headline (headlines). Headline reflect attention to a particular event. Headline in a newspaper is a representation of the media itself is important in looking at whether or not an event. The selection is very influential in the headline reading public. Especially people critical power and less analytical.
The influence of mass media, especially the news headlines on the community responded Hanura chairman, Wiranto related upcoming election. Dwi Inggried Wedhaswary in quoted Wiranto. Candidates for Vice President Jusuf Kalla said the couple the press plays an important role in the upcoming election for Indonesia, a predominantly traditional society, low analytical power. So what the media presented, it followed.
Every medium of viewing an event in mengkonstruksikannya have different opportunities. So that may be one of the same events can differ in its presentation. In accordance with the viewpoint which looked. Or quite possibly possessed by ideology and special interests. So that an event can be deemed important by the media, but not for others. Depending on who the media. Amin Rais once described the position as the media like 'guard dog'. Easily controlled and media owners is like a 'circus' that easily controlled solely by the party with an interest. In the news, especially the selection of media headlines are required to be fair and neutral and objective. But the reality is not. Very many of the actual events is crucial but ignored cenderng media. The mass media is basically very difficult to be neutral because they are haunted by various interests. Not to mention the ideological aspect. Various interests, both business and politics is very influential on how to frame the events terntentu.
In the process of the development of human culture, a process of mass communication and science communication have an important degree of influence on the lives of everyday people. It can be said that in human development, mass communication plays an important role for social change and human dynamics. News, in the context of a growing mass communication until now, always comes to mind and the human mind. Stories are arranged in the human mind is not a human event. News is not the event itself. News is a business event occurring skeletal reconstruction. News in the context of mass communication, it is tailored to the core reference frame is considered to be the event that has meaning for their readers. News in his capacity as a shaper and dynamic processing interpretation of human events, it becomes very important in the formation of social construction. News, at some point, greatly affecting humans formulate his view of the world. Frame the view of the world is made by man to describe what and how the world understood. Various human experience interpreted in the frame. In the absence of a clear frame, the events, and the human experience will look "messy" and chaotic. Frame the experience can be seen as an "initial scenario" that puts every experience and event in the plot more or less coherent, rational and systematic.
The presence of the paper is the development of a long-standing activity in the world of diplomacy and in the corporate world. Newspapers in the early days was marked by the form of a fixed, non-commercial use (available over the counter), has a variety of purposes (to inform, record, present advertisement, entertainment, and rumor), is general and open. The newspaper was born in the seventeenth century in which there is a clear separation between government newspapers and commercial paper. However, the government newspaper more often used as a mouthpiece of the ruling at the time. This is in contrast to commercial paper. The effect of commercial paper is an important milestone in the history of communication because it confirms its role in community service and open as the trumpet ruler.
Since the early development of the newspaper has become a real opponent or enemy of the ruling establishment. In particular, the paper also has a self-perception so. The dominant image in the history of the press has always been associated with the provision of penalties for employers printing, editors and reporters, the struggle to gain freedom news, various newspaper activities to fight for freedom, democracy, and the rights of the working class, as well as the role played by the press in the basement oppression of a foreign power or dictatorship. Rulers usually respond well established self-perception that newspapers tend to be wearing and stressful for the press.
Despite the presence of major setbacks, history also noted the rapid progress and comprehensive in order to realize the freedom of the press working mechanism. Progress is sometimes pose a more stringent control system of the press. Today, the press organ systems functioning markets as a means of controlling that modern newspapers as a major entity became weaker in the face of increasing pressure and interference.
Moreover, delivery of the news turned out to save subjectivity author. For ordinary people, the message of a story will be judged for what it is. News will be seen as sacred objects filled with objectivity. However, unlike certain circles who understand the true motion of the press. They will assess more in the news, that in every store ideological news writing / background a writer. A writer would have put their ideas in the analysis of the data obtained in the field. For example, analysis of Pancasila economy. Economists have socialist ideology will write analysis spiced with ideology. Similarly, the writer who has a background capitalist. Although both have the same data, but the results of both analyzes will definitely have a taste of socialist and capitalist economies.
Therefore, it needs a separate analysis of the content of the news so that it will know the background of an author in writing a story. This will provide a positive impact on the reader itself. Readers will better understand why an author writes news so minimal prevent a reactionary response. Readers will not be fanatical about any press organ ideological reasons. That is, people would be more mature of the press. From the basis of the above assumptions, the authors raised the title: Discourse Analysis Reporting Issues Increase Fuel Oil in Headline in the Daily Compass and Sovereignty of the People March 2012 B. Problem Formulation From the above background, the writer can draw formulation of the problem:
- What is the ratio trend as the headline themes raised between Compass and the Sovereignty of the People's Daily in March 2012 period
- How Ideology headline on the front page of People's Daily Compass and Sovereignty March 2012 period
C. Purpose and Usability Research a. Research Objectives
- Tendency to compare the theme as the Kompas daily headlines and the Sovereignty of the People March 2012 period
- To know the ideology behind the themes that are often in the news headlines on the front page of the compass and the Sovereignty of the People March 2012 period
b. Usability Research
- Uses theoretical. This study aims to provide a description and theoretical discourse for the development of linguistic science, especially for the development of research is the analysis of framing.
- Practical Uses.Practically, this research can explain how Compass and People's Sovereignty period March 2012 to frame and view an event.
D. Theory Framework
- Study on Headline. Headline can be interpreted as the headlines. Head literally means head. Line means the line. So it means the head or the head line news. In the print media, the headline is the most read news and attract attention. If the incident made headlines the relevant parties or the public regard it as an important event. This is where the media was instrumental shaping public opinion (public opinion). Headline mean that researchers are headlines that are placed on the front page of the newspapers studied. This is a consideration because of its headline on the front page is an event that is considered important by the owners and the people who are in the media. There are two notions of headlines. Headlines as news headlines. And the headlines as the headlines will find. Characteristics using a larger font than the others.
E. Operational Definition To avoid misunderstandings in the interpretation of the title of this study. And once likened the perception of this title, the authors describe it first.
- Comparison. According to the dictionary of the Indonesian language is a word to tell the difference (increment) and similarities.
- Headline News (headlines) is considered important news through editorial meetings and editorial policy, the title and word length, are usually placed on the home page that is easily seen. Headline is only available on the front page, but it is not included.
- Discourse analysis is a method to see how storytelling (story telling) media to events. How to tell it's written on 'how to look' of reality that made the news.
F. Research Methods
- Object and Time Research. Object of this study was headline news on the front page of the print media and the Sovereignty of the People Kompas Daily, Weekly March 2012
- Type of Research. This type of research is qualitative in nature. The study was based on a news headline Kompas and Sovereignty of the People, Weekly March 2012. The use of discourse analysis is trying how to dismantle the ideology behind the preaching of both the local newspaper. This research can also be called interpretive research. Because the outcome data collected is the interpretation of the data of the object of research. In qualitative research, the primary data obtained from the researchers themselves who are directly down the pitch to get data from the object of research. This research was conducted intensively by analyzing the daily headline news in both the newspaper.
- Data Collection Techniques. Data collection techniques used in this research is certainly based on the needs analysis. The method of data collection is the documentation, collection of data both to the newspaper, Kompas and Sovereignty of the People.
- Population and Sample. The population in this study was headline news on the front page and the Sovereignty of the People's Daily Compass March 2012 period. To keep the lack of data, the sampling is done using total sampling. It is intended to tabulate the overall headline news that no news release.
G. Study of Theory
Discourse is a complete unit of language, so the grammatical hierarchy is the highest or most grammatical unit (Kridalaksana in Tarin, 1987: 25). As a complete unit of language, the discourse that means there are concepts, ideas, thoughts, or ideas intact, which can be understood by the reader (in written discourse) or listener (in oral discourse). This discourse is realized in the form of a complete essay (novels, books, encyclopedia series, and so on), paragraphs, sentences or words that carry a full mandate. Discourse is the most complex linguistic elements or complete. Linguistic support unit includes phonemes, morphemes, words, phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, until the whole essay. However, the discourse is essentially also an element of pragmatic language. Moreover, the use and understanding of discourse in communication requires a variety of tools (tools) that pretty much. Cohesion and coherence in discourse is important. Both of these elements are used to build a good discourse. Good discourse is characterized by semantic relationships antarunsur part in the discourse of the so-called coherence relations. Coherence relations can be created by using the relationship cohesion. Cohesion is one of the important blocks of text. Cohesion or coherence of discourse is one antarunsur harmonious relationship with other elements in the discourse, creating a coherent understanding. Cohesion refers to the aspect of the shape or the formal aspects of language, and discourse that consists of sentences. In connection with this, Tarin (1987: 96) says that the cohesion or coherence of discourse is the formal aspects of language in discourse. In other words, that discourse is an organization of syntactic cohesion, container sentences arranged in compact and dense to produce speech. This means also that the coherence of discourse is the relationship between sentences in a discourse, both in the strata of grammatical and lexical strata in particular (Paryanti Sudarman; 2008).
Cohesion or coherence of discourse involving many aspects of grammatical and lexical aspects. Grammatical aspect is divided into reference, substitution, and ellipses. Furthermore, lexical aspect is created by using lexical forms like reiterasi and collocation. So that the markers are used to cohesion and coherence means keterpahaman antarsatuan in a text or speech. In the structure of discourse, coherence is necessary aspects of existence to organize the inner coherence between propositions with one another to get the integrity of a discourse. Propositions in a discourse can form a coherent discourse (coherent) although there is no marker used phrase relationship. In other words, the coherence of a discourse not only in the presence of cohesion devices. In addition to the tools of cohesion, there are many other factors that enable the creation of coherence that include background knowledge of the language user pemasalahannya field, knowledge of social and cultural backgrounds, the ability to "read" about things between the lines, etc.
Language is seen as a representation of discourse that make up the subject, theme, or ideology. Critical discourse analysis looked at language as an important factor, the language used in the notice imbalance of power in society. An important characteristic of critical discourse itself described by Teun A. Van Djik, Fairclough and Wodak (in Eriyanto., 2009: 8-13) is an action, context, history, power, and ideology. Discourse is an element which then produces a variety of products, one of them can be image. Constructed through discourse, can form an image which is then interpreted in the perception of the reader to the existing imaging.
Discourse Analysis Discourse analysis provides is used to conduct empirical studies of the relationship and the social and cultural developments in the public discourse. Overview Fairclough and Wodak about discourse analysis
- Nature of Structure and Process Cultural and Socio-Linguistics is Part of Story.Text is seen as an important form of social practice that includes relations and social identity. Some formed through kewacanaan practice in daily life, and then from there the cultural changes and sosial.Tujuan discourse analysis is to explain the linguistic dimensions of social and cultural phenomena kewacanaan in the process of change in the present.
- The use of language should be analyzed empirically based on the context in question. For the analysis of discourse, a discourse is a form of social practices that make up the social world and social practices developed by others. Contribution of a discourse in the social sphere certainly can not escape each other and walked the opposite direction. Discourse analysis is used to connect a mengidentitaskan a public discourse, political, cultural context that is able to be united in a mindset that would not only refer to one party, but both. Discourse analysis is a discipline that examines the language units above the level of the sentence by considering the context of the language use (Rani, 2004:3). Discourse analysis is a study to examine or analyze the language naturally, either in written or oral form (Stubbs in Rani, 2004:9). The data in the analysis of discourse is always a text, either spoken or written text. Text here refers to the form of the sentence or speech transcription. Discourse analysis is generally aimed to explore the regularity, not the rule. Regularity is related to the acceptance in the community.
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